
What is your primary mode of transportation ?

by  |  earlier

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Mine is a bicycle, with the bus as a backup. All you automobile operators, could you please look out for us, occasionaly ?

Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to ride a bike on the streets these days?

It's like you people don't even see us. I could understand that, we are fairly small, but, I can't help but get the feeling, you are doing it on purpose, that you just don't care. You are trying to make it an All-Auto world.That is not true, is it? It will not work. Give it up.




  1. angry bunch ehh....1.wear bright clothing...2 know what roads to my town a lot of bikers ride on secondary roads...55 mile/hr limit  lots of trucks and no shoulder...bad....

  2. I'm another guy who gave up his car and am getting around on my bike.  Check out the quote from the guy above me.

    "I hate bikers, get off the d**n road, you're in everyones way."

    Not cool.  We should strive for mutual respect on the road.  I realize that there are some jerks on bikes out there, so I understand why drivers get annoyed, but please keep in mind that if a car hits us, we will be seriously injured or killed.

    When I ride, I stay as far to the right as I can.  In turn, motorists can move to the left side of their lane to give us a little elbow room, but often, we're treated as though we aren't even there.  Then as the car passes, I see the driver is text messaging or playing with their cell phone and barely watching the road.  I choose routes that have a bike lane when possible, but sometimes I have to share the road with cars.  I signal my turns and try to be as polite as possible.

    Crude oil supply will eventually diminish and gas powered cars will be history.  Auto emissions contribute to air pollution.  Bicycles are part of the solution, not part of the problem.  Please, everyone, let's work together and share the road.


  3. Eh there will always be mobile a******s out there.

  4. I hate bikers, get off the d**n road, you're in everyones way.

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