
What is your purpose in life?

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what do you plan to do with your time? what are you working towards? what's in your big picture?




  1. I have another, much more personal answer that has nothing to do with any accumulation of wealth or accomplishment in the material plane. It is very deep and profound and has much more to do with personal growth. Without an accompanying chapter or three supporting my whys and wherefores it would make sense to few, therefore I am going to refrain from addressing that aspect. Following is what I CAN share with you.

    My purpose in life is manifold but with one overarching goal in mind. And by participating in this forum, I not only hope to, but from messages I have gotten, am successfully taking this beyond my backyard. One underlying purpose is to help demolish the notion, oft repeated by both Christians and Atheists, that faith is nothing more than belief in something for which there is no proof. I have within the confines allowed by Yahoo! Answers addressed that. Once that goal is accomplished, the rest of my goals will become more easily achieved, though I am simultaneously working on them in conjunct since they can be achieved apart from what I already mentioned, and one can feed on the other. Using the cliche "in a word", I am working on world peace. While so many think it is unattainable, in reality it is inevitable. It will simply take enough of us to realize it is attainable and to work on it and it will happen.

    Whether you are a devout follower of Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, some other religious figure or believe there is no God, I ask you to seriously consider some beliefs and principles. If, even apart from the religious aspects, you agree that the basic principles are the best, and in reality the only cohesive and comprehensive set of plans, goals and principles extant in the world today with which peace is even  possible, for that reason, if no other, they merit a close look. But beyond that, I can point to many successes we have achieved that so many still believe are things that are impossible to realize. If we have in so many ways already achieved the "impossible," how can you be so sure we are not truly building world peace? Not just for ourselves and our offspring, but for you, your children, grandchildren and all generations to come? While the on line magazine I am including a link for may take you a while to read through, what is fifteen minutes, or even an hour or two if it takes you that long, compared to what you would sacrifice for world peace? I am offering what I believe the only hope we have for world peace. Are you willing to give up an episode of American Idol or CSI, 60 minutes or Two and a Half Men to check out what I have to offer? The choice,is yours, but with you or without you, we will continue on the course we have chosen. We have a slogan claiming we are "... uniting the world, one heart at a time." Where is your heart? Mine is in what I am offering below for your careful consideration.

    Are you certain there is a God?;...

    Peace through War? is such a thing possible?;...

    FAITH, is it self hypnosis?;...

  2. to own a candy shop that imports candy form all over the world, so that people can connect with other people, and explore the sweeter side of things.

    I am also a photographer, and I would love to share my pictures with the world.

  3. To be GOOD and TRUE.  

  4. I am young and I am an author. My goal in life is to make millions, and with every book that I write, donate portions to funds for cancer, etc. I want to help people, spread optimism, and promote peace.  

  5. work in something I like, if I get tired, change jobs. I not really working towards anything, I've pretty much attained my goals. Maybe I'm just waiting for the next "objective" to hit me in the face. In the meantime, I'm living life happily one day at a time

  6. To realize my relationship with the Supreme.  Our identity is eternal, our love is eternal  and we cannot be eternally happy until we understand how and where to repose our eternal love. The source of everything, the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is everyone's dearest life and our relationship with the Supreme is the source of our existence and purpose in life.  

  7. I'm beginning to realize that my time here has nothing to do with all the STUFF in my life - the car I drive, the job I hold, the house I live in.  It is wonderful that I have these nice but modest things but the PURPOSE of being here has everything to do (for me) with my spirituality.  This world, this existence is only a blink of time when held up in comparison to all eternity. This life is like a swim in the ocean. People go for swim, have fun in the water and feel like they don't want to go home, but in reality no one stays on vacation forever. We all need to go home - and that is like eternity. Everything I do now is focused on the large picture rather than the single moment that encompasses my life.

  8. I am and always have been a teacher, regardless of what profession I've been in.

  9. I am fortunate, I realized my role in life is a caretaker

  10. I love my job:  teaching reading to young adults.

  11. Yes, I have a plan. Yes, I "tweak" it from time to time. As I learn new things. Yes, I am working toward it. My "big picture" simply put;

    1. Keep the body I have, no matter how old I get.

    2. Be married to my wife until my death.

    3. Live to age 120, strong, healthy, happy

    4. Become a celebrity.

  12. My purpose in life is simply to live. Time is precious, I do not have enough, but the same as everybody else. I have another 49 years left to live.  want to closely follow the developments of science and be amazed at the discoveries that are being made and will be accomplished.. I am working towards overcoming a cancer which is almost accomplished and my big picture is to share m discoveries concerning Italian Renaissance art with the rest of the world.

  13. To be sincere: no idea.

  14. To pass on what I've learned through out my life because of my mistakes . Now will anyone listen ?

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