
What is your reaction regarding the theory of Charles Darwin about humans come from apes?

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What is your reaction regarding the theory of Charles Darwin about humans come from apes?




  1. Well, I do believe that we evolved from some kind of primate. And I don't understand how can people really believe, that god created us and that the earth is just a couple of thousand years old. But I do understand why they still believe that, it's because every time scientists try to prove something, the religious people close their eyes, cover their ears, and start screaming really loud. I mean you have to be really close-minded for that.

  2. In the caldron of options untill something

    come's along that challenge's both sides,

    i sway more toward darwin's theory, then

    of course like anything it's all in how one

    present's what they believe in . . .

    It never ceases to amaze me how our species can start out discussing an issue

    in efforts to assertain not just the thruth of

    the matter but the true validity of the issue

    so as to better ourselves on this planet, only to end up going apeshit, oops sorry" No Pun Intented " lol. and suddenly what was a fact finding mission,turns into a self revealing embarassment, due to our quite

    predictable behaviour in which we revert

    back to the very thing we're in complete denial of coming from, i can't wait till they

    come out with a most long over due theory

    that after all this time god was neither a man nor ape but a women. lol. have fun children . . .

  3. Humans didn't "come from apes" humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor. My reaction is that evidence supports the theory of evolution.

  4. Intellectually, I think Evolutionary theory  is a  brilliant insight into the nature of change.    Transcendent in it’s relevance to biology, society and technology.

    Emotionally it sucks.   I don’t care if you are an Atheist, being demoted from the special creation of a profoundly wise being, to chimp cousin, just ain’t pretty.     If Darwinism is a religion, it’s a lame one.  

    Among people who believed in God, (Darwin included) the idea that God busied Himself with the continual creation of new species was a bit problematic.    The task of making 12 different varieties of Finch or a new flu virus every year, seemed a bit trivial for the Almighty.   They sensed that the marvelous diversity of life must somehow be a natural phenomena, but were at a loss to explain life’s complexity outside of intelligent design.  

    Darwin changed this.   “What if”  he reasoned, “random changes in life are occurring all the time,  but the bad changes are naturally eliminated.  Wouldn’t that mean the good changes, however rare, would accumulate, so that over time you would see fantastic diversity and increasing complexity without the necessity of intelligent design.”  

    “Brilliant” they said when “The Origin of the Species” came out.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœWe knew God didn’t personally create 350,000 species of beetles”

    Then  Darwin said.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœCome to think of it,  humans must  also be the result of a large number of random accidents.”   and all h**l broke loose. (pun intended)

    Christians get a life full of hope and if they’re wrong, oblivion.

    Atheists get a life full of meaninglessness, and if they’re wrong, h**l.

    I think Darwinian theory is accurate.  But I’m quite aware it’s a poor substituted for hope sustaining power of religion.

    My favorite quote regarding Darwinism came (allegedly) from a Bishops wife, shortly after “The Descent of Man” was published:    

    : "Let us hope that what Mr. Darwin says is not true; but, if it is true, let us hope that it will not become generally known”

  5. I don't think Darwin or anyone else theorizes that humans came from apes. The theory is that all modern apes, including humans, descended from common ancestors. Whether or not there is -one- common ancestor is probably not that important.

  6. Keith_housand said it all.  I'd started to answer this question but concluded he'd done an adequate job.  The field of genetics has done a wonderful job of back tracking the human genome back to the fruit fly.  Recent discoveries have led us to conclude the T-Rex & the chicken were related.  Yes, we have managed to "reverse" engineer some DNA broken down by bacteria & should have a draft of the Neanderthal DNA within 2 to 3 yrs. Chuckle... then the T Rex DNA from fossilized material will be our next challenge.

    Evolution has proven to be a "fact" rather than a theory.

  7. That's a Christian LIE. He said we have / had a "common ancestor" Got that ? "Common ancestor" ! Maybe YOU should read what he wrote ?

  8. i dont understand how people can say evolution is BS because God created man and woman: why can't God have created evolution? The Adam and Eve story was written by a human, NOT by God and God didn't say they were God's words, a human did. And humans are fallible AND susceptible to magic mushrooms

  9. If humans evolved from apes then why do we still have apes?

  10. I do not believe it

  11. Evolutionary theory is founded on a wealth of scientific evidence from every imaginable field: anthropology, archaeology, biology, chemistry, genetics, physics, geology, astronomy, etc. They all contribute pieces that add up to solid evidence that evolution is real and incontrovertible, and that we share a common ancestor with not just apes, but with dogs, cats, birds, toads and evangelicals. In that order.

    The real story here is how Americans who are otherwise so beholden to science for every facet of there daily lives, can selectively choose to turn there backs on science on this one subject. The anti-evolutionary charlatans and the witchcraft they preach will not light the night or heat our homes, and following them can only lead to a new Dark Age.

  12. My reaction is FINALLY...someone figured it out!!!! YAYYYYYYY!!!!!

  13. the same way I "feel" about the Theory of Gravity.

    The problem is not knowing what a scientific Theory is.

    Gravity used to be a Law.  Since it solidified it was upgraded to Theory.  Theories have more support from evidence.

  14. Nobody says that is what happened.  They use that as a way to open the doorway to better ideas that were non existent untill then.  The same as the genetic relationships where all seem to merge in the Eomaia trunk.  These are relationships not absolutely necessary and to be changed if a better one comes along.

  15. My reaction to the Theory of Evolution is that it explains how I and other modern humans and animals came to exist. And it is an amazing theory too - fills me with wonder.

  16. makes sense. we have similar bone features and dna and atp. human evolving from apes support the theory

  17. if we evolved from apes, well then what evolved to apes and what before that... etc etc. i opinion is charles darwin had some good ideas but the theory of humans evolving from apes is bunk. todays sciences are constantly broken, theories cracked, so i be very cautious as to whos theory to believe.

  18. I personally, and i repeat: PERSONALLY, think that his theory is a load of bull-feathers :P! Because GOD created everything, and i don't need scientific proof, cuz all i need is faith :).

  19. I think its bananna`s

  20. Humans did come from apes.  They just didn't descend from modern apes.

  21. he was a racist

  22. This theory is just out-of-date, millions of facts prove it, but if smb. wants to believe that his great-grand-grand-grand......parents were APES 8-)))))) please's a sort of his religion, I think.

  23. It is actually not beyond belief, as you can see a similarity in

    evolution, but I believe the new theories, that man might have even evolved from sea creatures, will be more believable in the future, and will be more accepted, than Darwins theory, man evolving from apes, or apelike creatures.

    Darwins theory, that man evolved, will remain, but what did

    he evolve from?, will change.

  24. The ignorance in these answers is depressing to anyone who has the ability to reason or think. Darwin was a devote Christian (he had to be considering the times) I don't think GOD should be brought into this theory. To think that GOD is divine and then attribute no intelligence to ("him") is really funny in my opinion. If you want to bring GOD into the picture, maybe GOD was so smart that he planned for us to evolve from other creatures. Considering your GOD created all beings wouldn't this make sense?

    In the mean time there has only been a constant addition of information and evidence that prove Darwin correct. I'm not even going to go into the insane amounts of details. However I suggest you people pick up a book and try this new thing called THINKING!

    To ask why apes would still exists is just proving your ignorance of the mechanisms involved in the process of evolution. (yes it is a process requiring millions of years and geological shifts)

    If Darwin's ideas are so "bunk," then why are we still talking about his theory? If evolution is sooooooooooo false why are all the Christians shifting their ideas to say that maybe evolution does exist to a point and then GOD helped push it forward? "Intelligent design," which is like an oxymoron considering the theory isn't at all intelligent.

    GOD is not meant for science, not in the biblical sense. All GOD has done in science is kill forward thinkers. Just centuries ago people were persecuted for saying the world is round. None of you have an issues with a round earth that travels around the sun. I mean, I guess you're all too smart now to consider the earth flat and heliocentric.

    My GOD accepts all people, but then again my GOD doesn't dabble in scientific matters. If not, I at least attribute enough intelligence to this entity to believe that the world was created in a more complex way.

    BTW Theories are not an upgrade from a law. Theories are based on constant proven experimentation. Laws are considered true by scientists from all different disciplines (basically they are theories that are proved true). So one is considered undeniably a fact (a law) and the other is not yet considered completely true by all (a theory). It's actually called the Law of gravity. I'm pretty sure everyone considers gravity's existence as factual. If it's been demoted to a theory please explain why...

    edit: an example of a hypothesis would be intelligent design, which means it isn't necessarily proven by way of any scientific method or reasoning.

  25. No reaction.

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