
What is your reaction to John Bolton predicting that?----?

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Iran's nuclear facilities will be bombed between the election on November 4th and January 20th when the next president is sworn in?




  1. Bolton is a neocon moron.

    I think both McCain and Obama need to make it clear that if Israel attacks Iran, they will do it alone.  And if Iran retaliates, that Israel will be on their own.

    The USA cannot afford to get in another long drawn out fight in the middle east.  Iraq and Afganistan are costing $15 billion a month that has been paid for solely by deficit spending for over $620 billion dollars so far with absolutely no end in sight.

    Unless Americans want to pay more taxes for another war, we can't afford it, plain and simple.

  2. bolton is a neocon fascist and this statement just confirms this well known fact

  3. I would say that it sounds like the delay is to avoid the event having any influence on the US elections.  

    It could be unconnected to that, but the way it's phrased indicates that there is such a connection.

    Personally, I think if someone would just sink every ship bearing an Iranian flag, or which tried to enter or leave an Iranian port, they'd probably see reason and learn to behave themselves.

  4. John 'got milk?' Bolton is truly one of the prime Bush loonies.

    However I believe Iran will get attacked, and it will be BEFORE the election, to create a war continuity that will fool undecided voters into electing McCain.

    I think all major players know this is true, including Dems... and if the Dems try to scuttle this they will of course be labeled traitors.

    Such is politics in the Untied Snakes of Amnesia.

  5. It was an unnecessary statement.

  6. John Bolton needs a reality check.

  7. he would know and understand,john bolton was a great un abassador,we need more like him,dont take know *hit!!!

  8. I wouldn't be surprised with everything else that has happened with the Bush administration.

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