
What is your reaction to "earmarks for profit" of Congressmen

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I watched a special that unveiled the corruption of both Rep and Dem Congressmen who take our tax dollars and appropriate it to some of their own personal companies and land deals. These are tacked onto other legislation (in secret) no one has to account for it.

Dont you think this should be illegal? Because if it's done right, it is not. Nancy Pelosi refused to pass legislation to make earmarks (pork) visible to the public.

Please wait before you criticize Fox on their special because they went after Republicans big time-Rep or Dem it's our tax money they are stealing and its wrong. (I'm talking about Billions of $)

Source:Porked: Earmarks for Profit, Our FOX News investigation exposes the lawmakers who spent millions on projects that fattened their personal bank account.,2933,359467,00...




  1. It makes me mad to see congressmen and women vote for bills that are still bad. Its like this election. both candidates suck, but no one is willing to stand up and vote for someone besides them. Congress should vote No to bills with earmarks. Period. Whatever the main bill is. If the issue is really that important, then the congressman or woman should make that earmark a bill of its own.  

  2. Yes it should be, I watched the same show. It makes me sick how twisted and self serving our government has become. I still say recall Pe -lousy, actually, recall them all.

  3. We would have to put the entire Congress in jail, and you know what, I wouldn't mind one bit.  Vote them all out, get new people in there and have them do their job instead of lining their own pockets.  Sickening!!!

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