
What is your reaction to the Israeli collective punishment of the native people of Palestine?

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  1. collective punishment is like shooting your horse for the fact that a fox stole your chickens. When collective punishment is handed out it brings resentment out of the whole that is being punished and most of the time that falls into what a terrorist wants and that is support from the general population. Think about it like this. Most Americans vote but they vote for different candidates. Now does that mean that those who didn't vote for someone who says bombs a nation and innocent people are killed as a result should be punished? No of course not. Most Americans don't know the effects of being bombed in there towns or homes so it would be useless to punish the whole for the few and the one

  2. If someone was firing random missiles and rockets into my city endangering innocent civilians day in and day out, if I had one I would drop a nuclear bomb on them - collectively.

  3. "If Israel has the right to exist so dose Palestine."

    Really? Guess what, in 1948 there was a Palestine which became smaller after the armies of 5 arab countries invaded Israel. I repeat: 5 countries against one just born.

    Between 48 and 67 there was a Palestine too which never tryed to live in peace with Israel, on the contrary. Barak, not Obama but Ehud offered the "native people" (sic) a new Palestine and wasn't listened to. So, in my opinion, three strikes and you are out.

  4. The information you bring forth is not from your personal experience, you are echoing the info you download, in the Israel site we know you are a paid Arab from the USA, you used to spread disinformation regarding 9/11, WHAT DO YOU WANT, Hamas is bombarding Israel, 60 70 projectiles a day.

  5. Israel fights for her survival after 60 years of Arab war and terror. Israel is not an occupying power in the former British Mandate Palestine. That former British Mandate was divided to two states. One is the Palestinian Arab state called Jordan the other is the Jewish State called Israel. Hence both nations have a home. Israel developed to the one and only democracy in the Middle East. The Arabs are still thousands years behind civilisation. If the Arabs send suicide bombers and fire Kassam rockets at Israel, they deserve a collective punishment for the collective crime. If Arabs want peace, they must recognise the State of Israel, stop all sorts of terror and release the Israeli hostages. Why do they must recognise Israel? Because the Jewish people returned to the historical homeland after 2000 years of exile, during which the Arabs illegally occupied Jewish land.

  6. My reaction was cried and cried. I felt humiliated as human being. We are seeing a genocide with the approval of powerful countries. I  wanted to help this people by asking a question in Yahoo about how to get an address to send a present to this people. My question was eliminated. I found an organization who is helping Palestinian people and I signed a petition. Here is other address

    I have values. I defend my values doing this because I want to be coherent between my values and my actions.

    Thanks you to share this sad information with people who speak English.

  7. What does native people mean?

    Where is Palestine?

    What year was the country born?

    I think you need to direct these questions to the Jordanian Embassy.

    By the way..what is your reaction to returning Gaza to its habitants and rather than spend the millions it has received in economic aid to improve infrastructure and local economics, it uses the resources for Qassam missiles?

  8. its great it is Jewish land

    the Arabs need  to go back to their country or obey Jewish law

    the Palestinians have voted for a government that exists only to destroy Israel and Jews

    they have gotten what they deserve

    it is very generous of the Jews to allow Arabs who have destroyed Egypt and Iraq to remain in their country that has always been jewish. arabs have brought death and destruction where ever they go. they were thrown out of france and spain.

    long live Israel

    down with Mohammedans

  9. How else will you protect yourself from terrorists crossing the border? Palestinians have received BILLIONS of dollars from the UN, and they still can't move forward and progress? There's a lot of corruption and terrorism involved. Let the Israelis deal with it.  Israelis do it to protect their people.  Palestinians don't care even about their own.  Most crises in the world happen coincidentally in Muslim areas or tribes:  Africa, Pakistan, Indonesia, Philipines, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq...should I go on?  These civilizations have their own codes, laws, priorities, and one cannot judge them by our own standards.  Let Israel deal with it.  And if you want to join a cause, there are soooooo many others..  Be original!

  10. Sounds good - send them all to Allah

  11. Could it be that a whole state should be classed as terrorists,after all they bring terror to thousands daily.

  12. If someone is shooting missiles at me. I have the right to shoot back

  13. I agree with you Mark, but try telling Americans Jews who support Israel, plus sending funds to Israel. Sadly if you say the word Palestinians to Americans they think  !terrorist". They haven't a clue about the history of Palestine.

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