
What is your reaction to the fact Pelosi doesn't know that natural gas is a fossil fuel?

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Where are the reduced gas prices she promised 18 months ago?




  1. I am not surprised!  Heck!  Ms Pelosi thought that the Catholic Church had been opposed to abortions for only the last 50 years or so!  Whoa!

    Since she is from California, she thinks windmills are the answer to our fuel crisis!  Unfortunately, we'd all need about a half dozen windmills in our yards to supply our homes with power -- and forget our electric cars...!

    We're really in a power mess in the U.S.!

  2. That's Bush's fault. Didn't you realize even though all US oil companies control 7% of the world's crude and refined gas, they set the price? Wow, if anyone could set the price of anything, only controlling 7% of the market, that makes them a genius.

    Oh wait, prices are coming dowm, that's because of Obama's tire inflation plan. When they go back up, it will be W's fault again. Liberal logic 101

  3. On Fox news tonight someone pointed out that you find natural gas while drilling for oil. I'd like to know how we are going to make use of more natural gas if we can't drill?

  4. It just shows how much trouble this country really is in. The sad part is that people buy into the Dems. hype.

    Did anyone notice that it was after the Dems took over Congress two years ago that the price of oil went though the roof.

    Bush's fault and great timing. I never heard anyone offering to bell out the oil companies in the 80's when oil was a $12 a barrel and they were laying off their employees.  

  5. She's a Politician- NOT a Fossil Fuel expert... You ask the people on this Site where natural gas comes from- & HALF of them will say their Bathrooms... :)  

  6. Perhaps this is the reason.

    FOX NEWS revealed (Weds 8/12) that Nancy Pe'lousy' -  Speaker of the House of Representatives owns stock in  Clean Energy Fuels Corporation.  At the end of  2007 she reported $250,000 in stock growth/profits ( Clean Energy is owned by T. Boone Pickens, Texas Billionaire).  

    HIGH GAS prices drives higher growth of 'green', clean energy.  And its growth comes  from legislation and funding from stock investments AND your taxes, through federal funding.   Pelosi constantly resists any vote on increasing oil exploration and drilling in USA....promotes MORE green energy growth and federal funding!!!

    How do you spell 'conflict of interest'? ..... P-e-l-o-s-i !!!

    She has openly accused the President and other Republicans of 'being in bed with big oil interests'.  All the while, she is 'shacking up with' - T. Boone and other big 'clean/green energy interests making money on the skyrocketing growth of clean energy, due to high gas prices!  (Ditto for Al Bore.)

    Now we know why she opposes new oil drilling rights and refuses to allow congressional voting on legislation to increase oil drilling in the USA and off shore!!

    Doubt you'll see this on "Democrats three networks"... - ABC, CBS,  NBC!  

  7. I am amazed that the main source of natural gas for USA was not even mentioned. Canada supplies most of it. But of course Canadians do not own it. It is owned by companies predominantly owned in the USA.

    So, effectively US interests do control most of the natural gas used in the USA. But Canadian natural gas is mostly in the high arctic, and there is no investment money available to go get it.

    No, this is not a matter of Pelosi not allowing anyone to drill. This is outside of her jurisdiction. This is just nobody willing to put money forward to go get it.

    Canadian consumers too have an interest in southern natural gas, and are not prepared to sell that off cheap to buy coal from West Virginia. The natural gas fields in southern Canada are also running down, so we simply can not make a unilateral decision to lower the price of Canadian natural gas.

  8. she's to wrapped up in trying to make the US a socialist country.  You will have get permission to pee if she had her way.

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