
What is your reaction when an incorrect answer is chosen as best answer?

by  |  earlier

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Are you annoyed, angry, frustrated, amused, or something else? I am referring to a question that requires facts in the answer, not opinions. Here, of course, I want your opinion. Thanks!




  1. Anger. I once saw someone write that a hydrogen bond was a strong bond. I want the whole world to know that is not true.

  2. I have noticed this a few times, and find it annoying.   It is even more annoying when I gave the right answer, of course.  I think it is due to the fact that either the questioner doesn't really understand or know the answer, or that the answerers frequently just vote for themselves.

  3. I really hate it when someone copies part of my answer, including the reference source, then the asker picks them as 'bestt answer'!  The funny thing is, I used to let people copy my labs and homework in college and they often got a higher score than I did.


    P.S.  People who think hydrogen bonds are stronger than covalent bonds make me pig-biting mad!

  4. I think is is amusing...but I believe the average IQ is that of a 12 year, what can you expect?

  5. It's a combination of emotions. I keep reminding myself that ignorant people need points too.

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