
What is your reasoning behind being vegetarian? Even more, what is your reasoning behind being vegan?

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What is your reasoning behind being vegetarian? Even more, what is your reasoning behind being vegan?




  1. I'm vegan because I don't want to harm animals for my food (it's uneccesary,) because it's a far more ecologically-sound and sustainable diet than the standard American diet, because it's better for my health, and because it makes it really easy to avoid Big Food, those corporations that we've inexplicably turned over control of our food to.

  2. Initially it was because of the harmful effects the meat industry has on our planet.

    -According to Environmental Defense, if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than a half-million cars off U.S. roads.

    -Of all the agricultural land in the U.S., nearly 80 percent is used in some way to raise animals—that's roughly half of the total land mass of the U.S.

    -More than 260 million acres of U.S. forest have been cleared to create cropland to grow grain to feed farmed animals.

    That was the reason I started my vegan diet. But after learning about the MANY other reasons to do so, such as global famine, animal cruelty and personal health, there was no way I could go back to eating meat or dairy.

  3. I believe you can;t love animals if you eat them. I love all typesof animals and do not want to put them in harms way.

    just because we can kill something doesnt mean we should.

    i am going vegan after 7 years of vegetarian and well as a female i would not breast feed for my entire life why should i ask a cow to do it. and i am not about to drink a relatives breast milk but i will drink a COWS? gross.

    and eggs are just gross. consistancy..

    notto mention the cruelty they go through to produce milk and eggs.

    sure they don't kill them (not until they can not produce anymore) but they are still being tortured with pain, overcrowding, etc.

    i dont ask meat eaters why they eat meat.

    if you want to put death in your body its your own will. meat kills (heart attacks, stroke)

    Not to mention how meat industries effects and hurts the environment. factory farming and methane produced from cattle.

    just no need to eat meat! i get all my nutrients w/o suppliments :)  

  4. I was a bit of a strong animal activist, but I soon started to realize the health benifits.

    Showing others my commitment wasn't a couple month thing.

    And I miss none of meat.


  5. Mainly health reasons - I had cancer twice as a teenager.

  6. I felt like a hypocrite claiming that I loved animals, meanwhile eating one.

  7. I'm vegan,there's no point in killing and torturing animals for us to eat/wear, there's heaps of alternatives.

  8. I am a vegetarian.

    I thought it would be a positive change in my life.

    For they health reasons and I love animals.

  9. I love animals.

    Eating something that was alive is DISGUSTING.

  10. I don't like the idea of killing or hurting animals and it makes me feel a lot healthier when I don't eat meat or dairy.


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