
What is your record...

by  |  earlier

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...for juggling a golf ball on a wedge? Mine is 232 consecutive bounces.




  1. mine 110

  2. mines is 700

  3. I have only just started doing it to be honest, so I don't know my record

  4. Mine is around 80 then I got bored and gave up.

  5. about 7. then i went back to practicing what really mattered...

  6. mines.   499

  7. Has this become a preliminary, necessary feature for the player ? The more important question is what aggregate do you shoot in the 72 hole tournament you just completed.And don't tell me you shot lower than Tiger Woods for your credibility might be suspect as are the number of bounces off the iron club head.

  8. 4879393952

  9. 56

  10. Mines 3!

    (At least i'm honest)
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