
What is your relationship status?

by  |  earlier

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Single, Divorced, Married or whatever else there is.

Mine is single. Not even had a girlfriend yet lol




  1. Single have been for two years, was happy with this but since coming home from traveling, i wouldnt mind, seeing some one!

  2. Aw!

    I'm single.  Have been for 2 years now.  Loving not having someone to nag me!

  3. Currently in a relationship, and I love him to pieces.

    He loves me for who I am, not just cuz I've got fatty tissue in my chest area [lol] and a 'pretty face' [:

    I love youu dalton. <3

    Don't worry, you will get a girlie all of your own soon, someday. Just put yourself out there.

  4. Never married...and never will!

  5. 9 years



    and still


    strong .

  6. recently single but happy

  7. Hey :)

    I am currently single!

    I have had one boyfriend who i went out with about 2 years but we where like 12 or something lol

    I enjoy the single life before getting married happens :)

  8. Single. Always have been, always will be. I have come to the conclusion I have been damned to walk this rancid earth alone forever.


  9. Engaged. Less than a year to go!

  10. in a relationship  

  11. I'm engaged.


  12. 1st boyfriend almost 3 months ago. I love him already <3

  13. Divorced and in a relationship

  14. I am in a serious relationship right now.  Who cares if you never had a girlfriend.  You're still young I'm sure.  There will be plenty of time.

  15. Taken. Ten months in three days :D

    and awww :( don't worry. i was single for about a year before i started going out with the person i'm with now. :]

    And is your user name Howling Bells?

    i love that song :)

  16. Been married to a wonderful guy for over 16 years.

  17. Right now, I'm confused. It's complicated

  18. Im with someone and shes perfection.

  19. Single. 18 and still no boyfriend yet either, lol. i did sort of have one freshman year but he turned out to be g*y so i don't count him

  20. Single

  21. im single

    i wouldnt mind having a boyfriend either :)

    but it is fun checking out attractive guys

  22. 25, married with a baby on the way

  23. i am engaged to be married lol,well i was the last time i thought about it,about half an hour ago,but saying that,i am actually single,its all self inflicted,it is going a little to far now though i am gonna have to do something about it,don't worry you will get there in the end,we all will theres some body for every body,some where..

  24. umms kinda single but not.......

    kinda messin round with a guy, but lyk not datn, but wanna, but theres lyk sum1 else tht is kinda in the way, but not for long, but yea....if tht makes any since! lol

    urgh highskewl! so dramay! lol

    hope ya find sum1 for ya!

  25. married

  26. Single unfortunately. But looking =)

  27. Happily married 5 yrs.  

  28. Im in a defacto relationship waiting to get married

  29. Married... on the rocks...

  30. in a engagement...female

  31. Dating but planning on getting married with my girlfriend  

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