
What is your religion?

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What is your religion?




  1. I dont have one. But i grew up a christian, and i learn about all of them that i can, I own a koran a bible, a torah a rig veda a book of mormon and a tripitaka. I am open to all religions but i cant choose one

  2. christan and i go to curch every sunday. i am in the band and we perform every sunday morning. im the singer... one of them anyway! : D

  3. Love.

  4. A combination of various religions, but I believe in one God.

  5. Wiccan Witch....

  6. none. i kinda have my own personal beliefs and i am very spiritual. i do belive in God.

    technically i guess im catholic, since i was baptized by the catholic church because my family is catholic. but i never go to church and i dont agree with a lot of the catholic beliefs.

  7. Catholic.

    History shows that Peter was the first Pope, and so, as Catholics, we are living what Jesus taught.

    That is what I believe.

    Also, nothing gives me greater comfort than knowing that someone who knows my every failure still loves me and is more proud than anyone when I succeed.

  8. Christian

  9. deism

  10. Christian, but I believe there is more than one way to salvation. Not a biblical belief, but the concept of h**l is not compatible with an All Powerful Perfect Being: a logical contradiction. I just can't wait until we stop killing people over this stuff. God's a big boy, he can punish anyone he likes without anybody's help.

  11. None.

  12. muslim



  13. Catholic although I don't really go to church much.

  14. not religious

  15. christ

  16. I am a baptized Catholic, but I don't exactly agree with all of their values. I do not believe in creation. I totally believe in evolution, but I also believe that there is a superior being. (Whether it is God or Allah or Bhudda, I'm not sure) I guess I am my own religion. :)

  17. My religion is non traditional southern baptist, but I am, above any domination  I am under, a follower of Christ and a Firm believer of his sacrifice.

  18. dont belevie in religion

    do belevie in sprituality

    former Christian

  19. ...animism...

  20. just mormon

  21. Me, I'm a very bad Buddhist and make it up as I go along. I believe that God lives in the bushes behind the Tasty Freeze, and when you die your soul goes to a garage in North Bergen.

  22. I don't have a religion but I do try very hard to live "the way" the Christ taught us.

    It is a very hard thing to do. But the rewards are infinite!
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