
What is your response to the Russian accusations ?

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NATO is building up a Naval Armada in the Black sea and delieverying weapons with that humanitarian aid

McCain is a crazed militant who wants war

You can forget about getting these Provinces back

Maybe we should sell arms to Syria and support Iran more than we have in the past

Maybe we should cut energy flows to Europe




  1. I think I admire their direct approach, and wish I was Russian sometimes.  

    Who the h**l is Bush to tell them that georgia is a sovreign nation and that they didn't have any right to invade them to protect their interest.


    Putin is a leader whether you like him or not...we don't have anything that can contend with that kind of will.

    Bush f*cked up.

  2. I have relatives from both Russia and Georgia so I am in a rather good position to separate fact from fiction. Russia is to blame for this entire Georgian mess. Russia has supported the separatists in both South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Russia even went so far as to literally give Russian passports (and citizenship) to all the people in those areas that wanted them. This was an excellent pretext and excuse to be used, as we have seen, to basically invade Georgia and occupy it. Russia has many agendas here including that they are P.O'd that both Georgia and Ukraine want to join NATO and both of these countries are democratic-leaning and have good relations with other European countries, the US, Canada, etc.  Even though Russia has had its troops in S. Ossetia, in particular, for about five years as "peacekeepers, these troops had done, and continue to do, nothing to stop Ossetian separatists from shooting from their "area" into ethnic Georgian neighborhoods thousands, of times. Needless to say, the Georgian government got fed up with Moscow's refusal, or incompetence, to stop this violence and took action to stop it. Russia then invoked its excuse to invade by claiming it needed to protect "Russian citizens" in the Ossetian area hit by Georgia's military.

    Unfortunately, Russia's government has been being directed, by Putin, back towards a controlled country. He killed the free press in Russia, has jailed many of his political opponents under trumped up charges of "tax evasion" and similar BS reasons, etc. Russian TV and newspapers must now tow the line and make Putin out to be a "saint" and great leader. Having the ability to watch this Russian TV broadcasting, it is definite propaganda all over again just as in the days of the former USSR/Soviet times. Thus, the Russian public generally has no clue at all as to what Putin is doing or saying except what he and his cronies tell the media to say.

    I have many video clips of military activities during the past several weeks. I can sadly tell you that soldiers identified (by even the western reporters) as "Georgians" doing something bad are actually thugs that are South Ossetian separatists. They have shot hundreds of people, including western news reporters, and run off as many Georgians as possible. They have, along with their Russian army "partners," set fire to hundreds of homes of Georgians so to run them out, kill them, of otherwise commit "ethnic cleansing" towards Georgians.

    Remember that Putin came from the old Soviet KGB? He was the head KGB supervisor in East Germany at one point in his career and prides himself on speaking fluent German. He is very short in height and, I think, suffers from the famous "Napoleon Complex." It is also interesting to note that the "Governor" of South Ossetia (appointed by Putin way back when) is really a former Russian mafia boss from St. Petersburg (which is Putin's home town.)

    In short, Putin changes his story every third day and wears one "face" to his country and another to the rest of the world. He is a serious nationalist and wants to restore Russia to "its former greatness." Use of its military to do so is, obviously, on his menu. Accordingly, he is a dangerous leader. He has also threatened Ukraine and Moldova militarily and this is very worrisome. Will he invade those countries later if he gets PO'd? His story that the US urged Georgia to take military action so to help McCain is patently a lie and does not even make logical sense. True, Putin wants Obama to win as he perceives, rightly so, that Obama is very ill-informed and weak when it comes to foreign affairs, knowing other world leaders, and being able to "hit the ground running" on foreign policy issues. Putin is very clever and devious I can tell you. He could not run again, under the Russian Constitution, for President. So, he merely set himself up as 'foreign minister' and got a puppet President "elected." Thus, when the current President serves his first term, Putin can return and get "elected" again to serve at least two more terms in office. Wow, it was nice of him to honor the Constitution in that way. Why, then, did he violate that same Constitution by giving away Russian passports and citizenship to people in South Ossetia and Abkhazia?

    Think of it this way. Mexico or Cuba decide that will give passports to Hispanics living in, say, Arizona, New Mexico, and Southern California. Then, they decide that Hispanics are not being treated properly by the US. So they "justify" invading and occupying those areas "to protect their citizens." This Georgian situation is VERY dangerous if it is unchallenged by democratic countries. Russia has a history (in its days as the USSR) of invading other countries it "wanted." Ask the Hungarians. Ask the Polish. Ask the Czech Republic (1968), and ask old Afghanistan (1979.) Study your World War II history and you will see that the "allies" in Europe decided to appease Adolph Hitler when he rolled into and in

  3. This is my opinion and is not factual. I believe the Russians are more than angry at our influence with Georgia and surrounding pro nato principalities that also are pro democratic.Russia would like to reassert themselves as a world power. In time we will leave Iraq and their influence with Iran will give them dominance in all of the middle east.However, Russia feels a direct slap in the face with the pro west ballistic missile system recently installed in Poland. I feel this is the crux of the real issue.I would make this analogous to our "Bay of Pigs" with JFK and the Russian Missiles in Cuba.Also, the oil pipeline plays into this and year round access to the sea.What do you think?

  4. "We found US and Israeli's were arming Georgians"

    That's the only one that's true, we sell them weapons.  Russia knew that.  Everyone knew that.  Before the conflict, Russia and Israel had talks about the weapons Israel was selling them and after Russia threw a fit, promised only to sell them defensive weapons.

    The USA and Israel were also training Georgian troops.  The USA and Israel sell weapons to a lot of countries and train with their militaries.  Of course Israel and the USA are going to work with their close allies, especially these new democracies in that region, to improve their defense.  The USA and Israel have higher hopes for these Eastern European countries to be more involved and motivated allies than the liberal and complacent Western European and Commonwealth countries that won't even fund their militaries (McCain especially knows this, he's mentioned it).  Cry baby, Russians.

    And Russian peacekeepers is an oxymoron.  They're the ones who have been arming the separatists and causing troubles for years.

    John, I wish you were Russian too.

  5. putin is a two-bit lying psychopathic punk with ambitions of becoming the next stalin

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