
What is your scariest story on your ouija board?

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And I'm curious does the new ones work just like the old ones?




  1. I've heard that old or new Ouija boards are all the same..and that they are all evil. I would advise you to throw it away.They are real !!!!

    Your basically talking to Lucifer!

  2. uhmm..i guess that my dad had one and when he asked who ran it it spelled out satan so he burned it :l

  3. Ouija boards are portals to the demonic. If you haven't bought one, don't. If you have, get rid of it.

    There can be nothing scarier than the jaws of h**l, can there?

    Most important, repent (turn from your sins), put your trust for your salvation in Christ, open your Bible, and read every day, and find a Bible-teaching, Christ-centered church.  

  4. The scary part is people believe these cardboard games really work


  5. I used the ouija board a number or times and nothing scary happened.  Nothing scary happened to my friends when they used one.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  It does not communicate with the dead and it does not contact spirits.  It does not open any portals to the underworld or to anywhere else.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.



    NOT A TOY,...TOSS IT,.....

  7. I have posted this in another question, but this is my personal experience with the ouija board. It was my first time and last time using the ouija. I also thought it was going to be funk, but i was in for a real surprise.

    I have used it one time with a group of people i barely knew at a retreat for fun, but it turned out to be frightening. After being like the 5th couple to use the board with no results before me, the two of us contacted a spirit. We asked for its age, initials, where it's from and how they died.

    After the initials and town i knew it was my sister that had passed away, who no one knew about but me. I started crying and crying but they told me not to stop because they thought it was cool. the other person kept asking questions and i was just crying the whole time and was so scared and shaking. They last question that we asked was, "why are you here." the spirit answered, "S..I..S" It was no doubt that it was my sister. it gave me the chills, but i know that my sister a good person and not a bad spirit.

    I'd probably never use it again. the feeling is undescribeable...At first i was scared that i was messing with a demonic object, but many people have told me afterwards that it is a spiritual thing.

    conclusion: IT'S REAL!

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