
What is your scedule assist of with your Child? *Questions for SAHM only please~?

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Please describe your schedule in detail!




  1. My children are 10,9, & 4.

    They usually wake up before me 7:30 am(in the summer) and they will go into the Florida room to watch a little TV before I wake up.

    I fix them breakfast around 8:30 am and they will go do their chores.This includes getting dressed, making beds, cleaning rooms, and brushing teeth. After that they can go play.

    My son will play on his computer for awhile and if it isn't hot, they play outside(ride bikes, scooters, or draw on the driveway. They also spend some down time watching age appropriate movies and swim in the pool. Some days we head out to the amusement park so they can burn some energy.

    We usually eat dinner around 6pm and then they get settled down to get ready for bed. They take individual showers from 6:30 to 8:30pm and they pick up their toys in their rooms, pray, and go to bed by 9pm.

    This may change up on a daily basis but for the most part it is routine enough for them that I don't have to say much.

    I am so glad that I am beyond having the baby routine. Kudos to you all that are beginning that part of your life.

  2. I am not really big into schedules, but I do believe that kids' need routine's. Right now since it is summer we are way relaxed. During school, they get up at 6:45 and have breakfast, get ready for school, after school they have a snack, and play for a little, then homework, bath/shower, and bed by 8:30 for the younger ones and 9:30 for my older one.

    When there is sports or other activities going on the schedule gets a little harder but we try to keep the same bed times. With my younger one, when the older ones went to school. He would have breakfast, watch a couple of shows while I cleaned up a little, and we would run errands, or play, sometimes take a walk or visit a friend, and he would have pre-school for two hours.

  3. well i work 2 NIGHTS a week at the local pub, im a bartender there, im also a licenced tattooist but i havent done that for around 2 years ahah!

    um well we get up and then at 8 my younger sisters (i have custody because my parents died) who are 14 and 7 leave for the bus, then we spend the rest of the day cleaning and relaxing, making lunch, starting dinner etc. maybe go to the shops 30 minutes away and so on, at 4 my sisters get home from school and then thats that!

    im 20 mummy of three and sister of 2!

  4. when I was a SAHM with my eldest child he got up sometime between 6-8am

    We had breakfast shortly after and dad usually left about 7.30 am

    he would sit in the baby bouncer (when he was a baby) or come in the shower with me when he could stand. I would wash either way. (hardest thing to do with a baby IMO)

    By 9.30 - 10 we would go out (library, swimming, baby club, playdate or park) when he was a young baby he would sometimes fall asleep during this. (I think this kept me going and meant that I didn't talk to my husband like a crazy locked up parrot when he got home)

    We would be back 12-12.30 and have lunch

    He would have a nap about 1.30pm and wake up anytime from 2 - 3pm and during this time I would either clean the house and sometimes have some me-time.

    We would watch TV, read books or do constructive play (lego, puzzles etc) from about 2-4 (depending on sleep times)

    At about 4 while he was a baby he would often sleep for about 30 minutes, I would lie down with him sometimes so I could have a nap as well.

    The late afternoon usually involved getting dinner and free play. His dad usually got home around 6 and we would take it turns to bathe him or get dinner.

    From 2.5 years old he started going to bed at 7 and skipping the afternoon nap because he was at a pre-school from 12 - 3pm (and I had another baby)

    When he was a baby I fitted things around his sleep times and fed on demand. When the second baby came along she just fitted herself around everything.

  5. 5AM-I'm up with two month old Liedan getting him a bottle.

    6AM-6 year old Brecken gets up. And he has breakfast and then we play for a while (all of us).

    7AM-Both boys get baths and we brush teeth and get dressed (all of us).

    8AM-On Thursday Brecken will be off to school at this time and all I will have to worry about is Liedan (and at this time he will be having a bottle).

    By 12 I have to have lunch because I am starving.

    3PM I pick Brecken up from school and we go to the park so he can play.

    5PM is dinner time.

    6PM Dad gets home (he leaves at 9 which I forgot to mention).

    7PM Get both boys ready for bed.

    8PM Finish reading Brecken a story and tuck him in.

    9.45PM Mom goes to sleep because she is tired (lol).

  6. We don't really have a set schedule as life tends to be rather unpredictable at times! We just go with the flow, get a good night's sleep, and start all over. :)

  7. Ha! We just wing it, then they go to bed...

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