
What is your schedule for your 9 year old?

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please do week and weekends




  1. WAKE UP: 7AM



    HOMEWORK: 3:30PM- 4:30PM


    SHOWER: 5:30-6

    DINNER: 6:00PM- 6:30PM

    CHORES: 6:30PM- 7:00PM

    SNACK ACTIVITY: 7:00PM- 7:30PM

    SNACK/TIDY UP: 7:30PM- 8:00PM

    MOVIE TIME: 8:00PM- 9/9:30PM


  2. okay. I have two 9 year olds. A boy and a girl

    monday 9-3.30 school then girl gymnastics from 4-6pm and boy swim lesson 4.30-5pm.

    Tuesday school

    Wednesday school then 7-8.30 cubs for both

    Thursday school 4-430 daughters swim lesson son just plays in pool

    Friday school and 5-6pm both go to church youth group activities.

    Saturday son does gymnastics 10-12pm. rest of the day is playing at home

    Sunday church of day whatever we want

    They wake at 7am and are in bed at 8pm most night. Homework is done after school . it comes home on a monday to go back on the Friday so they fit it in around afterschool activites. No Tv on school mornings . only tv after school on a Tuesday, and Wednesday. Usually my son has a friend home on a Tuesday, wednesday or friday to play and sometimes my daughter does (she is not as interested)

    At home they may play PS2, do crafts,play or anything else they want. They tend to walk or ride to school most days. Lot's of exercise and lot's of playing. They are happy kids. They also want to do basketball and cross country . But we are taking a season off from Basketball and I will look at cross country next year when I can change his gymnastics day

    Edit : For Boomer. In Australia 99% of schools are 9-3.30.

    Some are 8.40am-3.10pm

  3. Well, my daughter is 8 but I thought that was close enough...on school days, she gets up at 7am to get ready for school, then after school, she plays with a friend or watches tv, at 5 we eat dinner, 6 homework, 7 bath and then free time until 9, then bedtime. On weekends, we dont really have a schedule other than church on Sunday morning.

  4. For my 9 and 7 year olds...

    Up at 6:30 am. To the bus/school at 7:20-7:30am.

    Home from school at 2:30.

    Homework comes before play (math usually).

    Play until dinner (usually between 5 and 6pm).

    Wash table/counters, sweep kitchen floor. after dinner.

    Some days they do snacks for the next day and outfits.

    Every other day... they have to shower. If they are dirty they shower on that day as well. Showers start at 6:30-7pm.

    They can watch a t.v. show while each showers and gets ready for bed.

    8pm. They lay down and can read a book until 8:30.

    8:30 lights are out and they are usually asleep within 10 to15 minutes.

    On the weekends the only thing we really keep is dinner times, showers. Bed time can go anywhere between 8:30 and 10pm depending on the weekend and situation.

  5. 6:30 wake up-sing praises for a brand new day

           (awe, mom-do I have to go to school? Taylor's' mom lets her stay home)

    7:00 a fresh, healthy homemade breakfast of nutritious foods

           (I'll grab something at school! I can't find my homework!)

    7:20 dance down the walk to the bus stop

           (Well, they just left and guess what? Taylor wasn't on it either-her mom lets her stay home!)

    7:30 Pull out of the drive way humming old Disney classics just over joyed to spend an extra 15 minutes with my daughter alone in the car

            (Sit down and put on your belt-Do not get me pulled over! I don't care what Taylor's mom lets her do)

    Well, you get the idea.  This one is new to our family though-we've only had her about two months and the other kids are helping her adjust to actual rules.

  6. Well my daughters are 6 and 10, and we have a VERY busy schedule.......I am a RN so I am up by 4am on weekdays, my husband is a contractor so he gets by 7am and gets both girls off to school by 8:30am........I get off work at 3pm and go pick the girls up from school at 3:30pm, after school my oldest daughter, Marissa has ballet and jazz practive from 4:30 to 6:30 every mon. and wens.........she also has piano on thrus. at 5pm. My youngest daughter, Caroline has ballet and tap on mon. and wens. from 4:30 to 6:30........and tennis on Saturdays at 12pm.......other than that we dont rly have a set schdule on the weekends, we do attend Mass every Sunday.

  7. Wake up between 6:30-7; shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, get ready for school; school 8:30-3:15 (except thursdays, when she gets out at 12:15).  Free play or playdates with friends until 5:15 (generally outdoors if the weather is good).  Homework, piano, and cleanup until dad gets home (free play if time is left over).  Dinner varies, usually around 7.  Read-aloud from 7:30-8; read-to-yourself time from 8-8:30; lights out at 8:30.

    On Thursday afternoons (when school gets out early) she has one 60-minute rock climbing class.  On Monday evenings she has one 45-minute swim class, and on Saturday mornings she has a 50-minute piano class.  Except for piano (and errands, as necessary), weekends are entirely devoted to free play and family time.

  8. I want to know where some of these kids go to school that they dont get there until 9 in the morning or get out early some days.







    230>sugar test

    345>home from school

    on wednesdays I pick him up at 430 from an after school gifted class program

    mondays and  fridays are his brothers baseball games so we spend the 2 and a half hours there playing in the park and rollerblading then we come home eat a sandwhich and shower and bed.

    tuesdays and thursdays are his games and we get home, eat and shower and bed

    saturdays are reserved for make up and tournament games and time varies on them.

    we play board games on saturday evenings and go to church on sunday and play outside all day or do crafts if its raining or too cold.

    tv and computer times are limited to one to two hours tops.


    thanks for location heads up!  I live in the states so public schools start at 8 and get out at 3, but just the other day a local high school in tenn. changed thier starting time to 9 in the morning and they are staying until 4 in the afternoon. its achange but they are trying to cut down on tardiness. we will see how this works. just curious, is there is any particular reason for the time set?

    and by the way, our school has about 350 kids from pre-k to 5th grade and so the kids get a lot of one on one so they dont have much homework and if they do then they do it on the bus home before i get home from work.

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