
What is your schedule/routine like for you seven month old?

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My son is almost seven months old. I am curious what other moms schedule/routine is like with the child about his age. What time to you wake/nap/bedtime. How often, how much, and what you feed your child. I'm having trouble getting my son to eat lately. He just got his first tooth and I heard that could be why but just wondering what you other mommies are doing schedule wise with your 6 or 7 month olds!

Thanks! First time mom still learning :-)




  1. I can remember my daughter's 6 month old routine but the one when she was 7 months has gone completely out of my head! She's now 9 months. So this was her 6 month old schedule:

    07:00 - Wake-up, changed, dressed and given 7oz of formula

    07:30 - Blanket time, watching some TV and generally playtime

    08:30 - Taken to daycare or hands-on activities at the weekend

    11:00 - 7oz of formula, read a story and then an hour-long nap

    12:00 - More activities at daycare or hands-on ones at home

    15:00 - 7oz of formula, read a story and then an hour-long nap

    16:00 - Picked up from daycare and activities with mum & dad

    18:30 - Bathed and pyjamas are put on

    19:00 - 7oz of formula, read a story and then put in crib drowsy

    The activities included trips to the park, to family, playing with toys, colouring and other stuff like that. Hope this helps.

  2. I am also a first time mom.

    Wakes up around 6 in the morning, eats, we get ready for the day (bath, lotion baby up, get baby dressed), plays for a while with toys while I get ready for the day, change diaper around 9 in the morning and then put down for a nap. Usually sleeps for about 2 hours, then wakes up, eats, change the diaper, play around for a couple hours, change the diaper again, eat again, another nap around 3 p.m., sleeps for a little bit longer during this nap, usually wakes up around 5:30 p.m., play around for an hour or so, change diaper, feed, and we usually settle to sleep around 7:30 p.m. and still wakes up at around 1 in the morning to eat (just formula), change diaper and go back to sleep. Phew, at least its a lot better than the first six months. Its dramatically improved over the last month.

  3. bed at 6:30 wake at 7-7:30 2 naps a day about 2 hours each. not on a feeding schedule. mine will be 8 months on the 7th

  4. My girl is 7 mo. today and although we've been traveling a lot lately due to my husband training for work in another city and us moving to a new state (whew!), she is pretty much on the same schedule.  She goes to bed usually between 6:30-7:30 and wakes up between 6:30 and 7.  See nurses in the morning first thing and then eats some cereal and fruit around 8.  Then she sometimes nurses again but either way she goes down for a nap by 10 and sleep anywhere from 1-2 hrs. Then she wakes up and nurses.  Then we usually go on a walk or play on the floor.  She eats lunch around noon...usually some more cereal and fruit as well as a vegetable.  Then she'll nurse again before taking an afternoon nap usually by 2...for the same amount of time.  When she wakes up she nurses and then we eat dinner around 5:30-6.  Depending on how tired she is we take a bath, read books and go to bed.  

    She's eaten pretty much every fruit and vegetable I can give her now...just tried honeydew melon today.  We are going to introduce her to dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.) soon and then some proteins.  She can't quite pick up her own food yet but hopefully soon.  Normally she eats very well but there are times where we have a little difficulty...I just don't force anything and as long as she nurses then I assume she's just fine.

  5. 0645- Waken up by us to get ready

    0715- At the Daycare

    0800-Eats cereal and 6 oz formula

    0900- plays until he gets tired... usually about an hour

    1000-1100 or 1200- nap time

    1200- eats 2 oz fruit/ 2 oz veggie and 6 oz formula

    1300-1500- plays until he's tired.

    1500-Usually takes a small ap for about an hour

    1600- 6 oz formula

    1615-1700-plays until we come pick him up

    1715-typically takes a short cat nap (about 30 mins)

    1800- plays until about 1900


    1920-6 oz bottle

    1930-bed time

    On the weekends we let him sleep in, and he usually sleeps until 8 or 9.

    FIrst time mom too! =)

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