
What is your schedule with your young children and housecleaning, etc

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I'm going crazy... I have 2 toddlers and a 4 month old, and I feel like I can't keep up. Any tips




  1. i have a 3 year old a 16month old and 4 month old. and it is pretty much impossible to keep up.....well they wake up at around 9 and play eat breakfast play some more eat lunch, and then i put the 2 babies for a nap. while they are sleeping i have the 3 year old watch tv and i clean up. if im lucky i might get to watch some sprout tv. when they wake up they usually swing play do whatever and i make dinner. after dinner they play then get a snack. then i do bath time with oldest 2 first then my girl. i put my daughter to bed at 9 and read the older 2 a book. put my 16month old to bed let my 3 year old watch the goodnite show until 10 and then clean up for about an hour so in the morning they can trash it again. just try to get them on the same nap schedule and everything can be done while they sleep. after u clean up for the night GET SOME SLEEP

  2. Once the children are asleep then do it. When it come to washing, Id do it during the day...... When it came to hanging, I used to allow them to run around in the backyard (or in a bouncer if too little)

    Noone is going to look badly upon you if your home is a little messy. Its the joys of having kids. Nice clean homes seem to vanish out the window :)

  3. Do a little here and there when you can, do it in the middle of the night.

    That's what I do.

  4. when you like need to dust or sweep

    ask the little ones if they wanna help you

    like reward them with a sucker or a cheap toy

    i would start them early, but dont make them do alot of things

    or you can do it  when they sleep

  5. It is hard, isn't it!

    I mostly do mine when my youngest is sleeping, sort of hard when all I feel like doing is putting my feet up and relaxing!

    The vacuuming gets done when the kids are up, hard to do when they are sleeping! As long as they are happy, I do it. Then, most other things I didn't get done I do when they are all asleep. Thats the best time, I find. As you don't have to stop what you are doing to attend to them.

    I also do loads of washing at night as well, and throw it in the dryer. One less thing to try and get done in the morning when things are already chaotic!

  6. Housecleaning???  What's that???  My house hasn't been clean sinse I was 6 mnths pregnant (never got that nesting thing to kick in, if it did I was asleep).  Seriously I do what I can usually after the kids go to sleep, thankfully my son loves the vaccuum so he rides while I run it.  I figure I do the necessities, the major stuff will just have to wait till he is in preschool.

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