
What is your secret strategy in yahtzee?

by  |  earlier

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If you have one :)




  1. I try for 5 of a kind in the 5's and 6's.  

    Five of a kind - Yahtzee

    Four of a kind - can use it with the 3 or 4 of a kind or on the top part to try to get the 35 bonus points.

    Same with 3 of a kind.

    If I get four 5's and/or four 6's, I can always take a zero on my 1's, if needed.

    I make it a point to go for the 35 point bonus on the top part.  Quite often when I'm wishing for two more 5's, a pair of 3's pops up for a full house.

    I try for a large straight first, then a small straight.  If that doesn't pan out, there's chance or taking a 1 or zero on my 1's.

    I also like to visualize what dice numbers I want to appear when the rolling stops and project the images to the dice.  Sometimes it works.

  2. I hide microscopic tubes of chemicals within the die, that mixed create an explosion large enough to destroy a townhouse complex. I then hand the game over to my playing partner and ask them to go as I check the mail. I get in my car and drive off, while they mix the die and eventually break the fragile tubes, mixing the chemicals and they are blown to smithereens!

    Works well for Sorry! too.

  3. There is no strategy. The game is 100% random. It doesn't matter what you do.

  4. I cover my hand on the cup, flip it over, than with that I take my hand off the cup.

    I usually roll 4-6's.

    Good Luck!

  5. I swirl the little cup idk why but it always works

  6. Like most of the typical popular games (Monopoly, etc.) there is no strategy possible as they are 100% luck. Think happy thoughts if you think it will help, or threaten the dice to bend them to your will. Although neither really works.

  7. I always try to get 3 of everything up top, 3 aces, 3 2's, etc. If you do you end up with 63 exactly and get the 35 point bonus, If i roll 3 6's or 5's they always go up ther first, and usually I will put 4 of a kind up top also, it plus the bonus is going to get yopu more points then just 4 of a kind. it also helps if you fall short getting 3 of something else up top.

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