
What is your secret tip to save money on gas?

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give me your tips on saving gas My main secret is a just stay home more often. 2nd I combine trips. 3rd I use a light foot. 4th I use a discover that gives back 5% rebate on fuel purchase and pay the balance in full every month to avoid finance charge

so what do you do




  1. i add water

  2. All of the above and a new 10 speed bike !

  3. My brother's paying for my gas, since I drive him to and from work all the time. I also try not to go anywhere too far away very often. I go from Arlington (TX) to my dad's in Ferris on Friday and back home on Sunday, but that's about it.

  4. Walk.

    Seriously. I am moving to a new apartment where I can walk to my work instead of commuting. The extra money I am saving by walking is going to get me a better apartment.

    Its also good for the environment and your health. :)

  5. I have my Company pay for all my fuel......that's how I save money.

  6. since my boyfriend refuses to put cheap fuel in his car, he sometimes pays almost $5/gallon..

    so what he does is wait until it is a quarter until empty and ALWAYS FILLS it up

    he says before he would only put $20-30 and not fill it up and would find that within 2-3 days he would put another $30!

    he says he spends onlyn $45-50/ week if he always fills it up!

  7. For the past 2 years, I have walked to work. I ride my bicycle to the store, and only drive for long trips - like vacation, and then i park the car and ride again!

  8. Move to Venezuela, gas is 10 Cents per gal......

  9. use a car that has a small motor like a small 6 or4 dont use big trucks they waste more gas

  10. Move from the UK to the US and save over $5 per gallon (thats right, we have to pay around $10 per gallon!)

    God bless America!

  11. Easy - slow down.  I tested it, and driving 70 mph takes 25% more fuel than driving 55.  That IS paying 20% less per mile.

    Learn how to measure your MPG (easy) then test it yourself.  

    Also turn off A/C unless it is absolutely unbearable otherwise.    At high speed, close your windows and run vent only, because open windows add a lot of drag.  Me, I don't have A/C.

    And you might as well fill your tank.  With gas prices spiraling upwards, gas already in your tank is a good investment.

  12. Call ahead to see if the store is open and has the product you want in stock.  If they make an error, complain to the owner.

    if you have a product to return, don't make a special trip, but put the product in the car with receipt for next normal trip.

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