
What is your secret to keepin a good relationship with your horse?

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What is your secret to keepin a good relationship with your horse?




  1. Everyone has different ways, but I usually try to think the way he would. For example, if I'm done riding, I think to myself 'Okay, If I were him, would I want to be hosed down?'. Or, I think to myself, 'If I were him, would I want to go out into the paddock, or just chill in the stall?'.

    In one sentence... be fair to your horse. Don't overdo it, but don't underwork him either. Make sure he gets lots of paddock time, and be sure to keep him on a schedule.

  2. a round pen. :] i'm big into the monty roberts type ordeal, so the whole "horse whispering" thing seems to work :]

  3. Be smart, think ahead of them, nip problems in the bud before they get out of control.

    Be firm but gentle. Save harsh voices for when they threaten you. Never use a whip unless you need to. Learn to ride well, control pace with your leg and seat not reins.

    Look after them well when they are sick, all horses love this extra special attention when they feel unwell.

    Find their favourate spot to be rubbed and make an effort to sometimes just take them a treat or give them a rub without catching them.

    Keep them mentally balanced with interesting rides.

    Join a club or ride with neighbours to keep your horse interested in his work.

  4. spend lots of time with him/her even though u are not riding go out and see him/her every day! give him/her a brush or something. also if u want bring apples carrots or any type of treat then he/she will learn that when u call him/her, u will bring treats with u! just like a dog...  but bigger! lol

    hope that helps! :-)

  5. Ensuring that everything you do is fun for the horse, and that every time you bring him/her in, don't work them. I don't ride my horse much, however we have a very strong relationship (So much so, he uses me as protection if other horses chase him, lol) and I believe this is due to groundwork and keeping things simple.

  6. I dont have a horse but I make connections all the time! It comes natrual!

  7. -Spend time with them in the saddle, and on the ground for play and in the roundpen

    -Feed and care for them so they grow to trust you more than any other human

  8. being with the horse whenver i can and trust, It strengthens my realationship with the horse

  9. is this a girl asking the question,if so hahahaha.

  10. I found with my horses that spending alot of time with them built our relationship.  I spoke to them throughout my time with them, groomed them daily, rode them daily except in the winter and personally fed them twice a day, also I would clean their stolls with them by me.  They are like a baby and required alot of attention but they built respect for me.  They knew who was the boss and sometimes they would challenge me but I stayed firm and they were good with what ever I asked.  Each had their own personality and I respected that in them.  I dont believe in hitting a horse and feel that that only makes them fear you and ruins a relationship.  I learned what scared them and would talk them through situations such as gun shots or loud noises and could calm them by the sound of my voice.  Even when I showed them I talked to them and they would remain calm with other horses near.   Best of luck to you!

  11. There really isn't a secret.  

    First rule is discipline when necessary.  Make sure it is necessary and not out of anger.  Horses respect this.  It teaches them not to do those things that are dangerous to humans (rear and jump around when on a lead, bite, kick, etc.) and it teaches to respect humans.  Since I have a 6 year old I have to be able to trust my horses at all times.  I could never be certain my little girl would not head out into the field for some reason right through the center of the horses (She knows not to get in the middle of a herd but she could slip for some unforeseen reason).  I have to know that not one of those horses are going to freak and hurt her by mistake.  So discipline is rule one.

    Rule two never react out of anger.  Nothing gets accomplished from anger.  

    Spend time with your horse and try to keep as much of it positive as possible.

  12. Parelli's program focuses specifically on improving your relationship with your horse.  go to and sign up for the free DVD.  The DVD will breifly explain the program and talk about what youcan acheive with it.

    I found this program last year after a nasty accident with my horse.  this progam has helps my horse, it has helped develop better skills in me, and is it helping my confidence, which, by the way, had been shattered.

  13. we do lots of groundwork and parelli and general things help with relationships with horses like grooming.

  14. In one sentence? Listen to the horse and respect it. It pretty much applies to all aspects of horse care, training or riding.

    If you "listen" your horse will tell you when it's scared, in pain, uncomfortable or comfortable or sometimes just plain mad :-). It will tell you if your asking to much of it or if it is bored and needs more stimuli to keep it's mind busy.

    Respect it's dignity and intelligence. Don't ever try to force it to do something, instead ask it until it understands and willingly complies. Sometimes you may have to rephrase your request several times, (make the right thing easy and the wrong thing hard) but once they do understand it sticks. Generally if it can't understand your not asking it right.

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