
What is your sign, and do you dislike being called 'nice'?

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For some reason it annoys me when people say that I'm 'nice' when I do something for them. If I help you out, or act with generosity, it's not because I'm a 'nice' person who must do these things. It's because I may like you or enjoy your company, and see a reason why acting 'nice' would benefit the both of us. However, cross me or take advantage of me and I will make you see what fear really is.

What's your sign, and how do you feel about this?




  1. first of all when people say u r nice just say thank u because that is their way of being nice back. cuz some people dont care enuff to say anything. secondly, i a pisces 2. i relate to u cuz i am the same way i am nice to everyone until u make me be mean. but with me its not an issue of being nice for the sake of goodness its becuz that is how i expect to be treated. and my grandmother always said treat people the way that they treat u and u treat them the way u want to be treated. so an eye for an eye or a smile for a smile. just depends on ur perspective on life. p.s. why do u need people to b afraid of u? what r u afraid of? put down that defense wall  and live this life

  2. Meh. I don't like the word "nice" in general. Not to sound condescending but I think there are tons more adjectives to describe some of the things I do. Gimme words like "thoughtful," "considerate" and "chivalrous."

    It's like being called "good" when you do something spectacular.

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

  3. im usually never called nice...don't ask why...^_^

    it kind of makes me mad, because i dont like being considered a nice person. maybe it's because i'm used to being called a psycho, the devil, or a reject.

    i never fit into people's molds. people always end up disliking me for my obvious flaws and ever-changing moods. so im probably just not used to being called nice.

    most call me adventurous, blunt, loyal...but never nice. it kinda hurts now that i think of it..but i always get over these things..that's why i'm alive today.

    -cancer w/ aries rising

  4. I'm a Virgo, capricorn rising. People who describe you as nice generally don't really know you. It bothers me, but makes me more uncomfortable. What are you supposed to reply with? You're nice too? It isn't really even much of an adjective anymore, it has been used so many times that its lost most of its meaning.

  5. Nope , it doesn't bother me at all

    Scorpio Sun

    Libra Rising

  6. I feel you man!! when someone tells me im nice i kinda feel like lower or something cause then even though there not taking advantage of me but when they ask me to do more stuff for them i think they are, which hopefully there not...-__-

    im aries btw...

  7. I am Aquarius and I like sometimes that, sometimes not!

  8. Hi Mandy,

    Yeah, I hate it too. I mean, its alright because its kinda like a compliment. But theres a saying,  'nice guys do finish LAST'. And I don't like that one bit at all. I am nice to ppl cause I'm friendly and I like to meet new ppl and make new friends but I do NOT let people run all over me and take advantage my friendly 'nice' nature. If I see that, that will be the first and last reason why I will be compel to run away from these kind of people.

    Leo Rising

    Taurus Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Aquarius Mars

  9. Libra and I love being appreciated when I do things for people.  So if they say I am nice it doesn't bother me.  

  10. I'm a Leo, and being the egotist that I am, I love compliments, of any sort.

    But cross me, and I will go to the ends of the earth to have my revenge.

  11. Well, I guess it depends on who it is. Usually people don't say it to me after I do something nice for them, so I wouldn't know. I do say it to certain people because I'm mildly surprised at their actions.

    I can kind of understand why you would be annoyed though, but I don't think everyone who tells you you're nice would take advantage of you later on.

    I'm an Aries. (I don't know what rising is)

  12. I am a proud Sagittarius! When people say you are nice for doing something they are just paying a compliment. It is implied that you like that person otherwise you would not have done anything for them. If you get it on a consistent daily basis and want it to stop then I guess you can say something like "you are lucky I like you...otherwise...." that's it. People are not constantly thinking about what comes out of their mouths and how others will perceive and interpret it...they just say it. If the same person keeps telling you "you're so nice" repeatedly then maybe you should honestly tell them how you feel and that you are "nice" because you enjoy their company etc. I am always nice to people and I expect them to recognize it by making some kind of statement.  

  13. No, it doesn't bother me to be called nice when I've done something nice.

    I dislike being called sweet, though.

    I'm a Virgo.  

  14. It doesn't bother me. That reminds me of that movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind where the girl freaks out after being called nice.

    I'm a Scorpio.

  15. Im a pieces and i HATE being called nice.  Its so generic and so... so... disney!!!  i dont blame u if u think im crazy the word nice always sounds like mickey mouse is saying it!!!

  16. Nope. Because it rarely happens nowadays(: *doesnt care*  

  17. I really don't like the word nice. So hearing this makes me cringe.

    If you care about the person then you do things to help. I understand, just because you hold the door open doesn't mean your nice it means you have common curtsy and they should accept that. But also if you have common curtsy then you would let the person say your nice.

    So yeah that's just what i think :))

    Sign: libra :))

  18. People calling me nice doesnt bother me.

    I'm an Aquarius

  19. Libra - i guess nice is not too bad. I dont mind being called nice, but you are right, it gets pretty annoying - then we feel obliged to help others because they keep telling us how nice we are

  20. I'm a Virgo

    I could care less if people call me nice. It just rolls off my back and I don't even notice. It's a courtesy like "Have a nice day" it rarely means anything to the person that says it to you. Maybe you get annoyed by it because nobody really means it.

    Actually you sound as though you believe in "social currency" which means that everything we do is in the interest of ourselves. If I scratch your back you better scratch mine right?  

  21. Depends who says it;)

    Nice isnt very thoughtful.. but 'course i prefer it something negative.

    Thanks for sharing that.. i wont call anyone nice:S

  22. hmm im a scorpio and i dont mind being called nice at all. actually i like being called nice

  23. It doesn't annoy me but it makes me feel really uncomfortable.

    I really don't know what to say.

  24. Its doesn't bother Because I feel Good when People Call Me Nice Its a Very Positive Comment because I do Nice Things everyday although some other People see things like that.

    I'm a Leo and What say about being Nice is in My Nature.

  25. I'm a Aquarius and you can call me Mr. Nice guy anytime. I love it. Come on rachestar, don't sound so mean and like a thud. Everybody likes some nice compliments. Maybe you got too many and people took advanage and that iswhy you feel that way. You are nice and I love rock music. So go ahead and hate my a__ s .Everybody deserves niceness. It's rare nowadays.

    edit...if I catch the jackas giving me TD, he won't need his thumbs for a while. Get a life and respect people's post.

  26. i actually really like being called nice.

    i'm a sagittarius with libra rising.

  27. Oh. I think everyone should take a step back and stop trying to prove themselves! We all have good sides and bad sides.

    I don't really like it when anybody says anything about me, purely because it's useless and usually a fake, shallow remark anyway.


  28. I would think most people would view being called a nice person as a compliment. I know I do.  Be glad that they're acknowledging the kindness that you show.  I don't think they're taking for granted that you can be a real witch when crossed or challenged if that's the case.  

    There is a huge difference between being a genuinely nice person in general and being a doormat.  Most people recognize this.

    I'm a Cancer

  29. yeah ..alittle i'm really good at being generous,and "nice" to people..but then that gives "most people" permission to take advantages of me ...and walk all over me..i'm not a "goody goody"..and i don't try to be!..but sometimes i regret being so nice

    gemini W/Sagittarius  

  30. i dont care.. they call me mean haha

    just because i joke a bit :), but they know i'm not mean! heh


  31. Honestly, when people describe me, I think of nice as a placeholder. It's a bland adjective, and really has no description to it what so ever. So if someone says you're nice, it's usually because they can't really think of anything else to say. I just don't see it really as a word to describe someone. I think of it as a word to describe something, like a flower or a scent. Like "Oh that smells nice" or how it's used in context like "Oh you look nice." But even then you could use other words that mean exactly the same thing like lovely, charming, elegant. I'd rather be told that I look  elegant, than nice. It's just an overused word, that is used in an inappropriate context all the time.

    I'm a Virgo.

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