
What is your sign, and what is your outlet?

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Do you paint? Read? Write? Meditate? Play an instrument? Garden? What is your creative release process?




  1. Scorpio

    I like to reading , writing ,being on the computer,learning different languages,  play guitar, pole dancing, dancing,  pilate's, yoga(prefer pilate's), swimming, thinking daydreaming or meditation, taking pictures, listining to music..... the list goes on

    I like doing so many things at once as well I get bored easy.

  2. Oh man what a great question.

    I love movies, They take me away and I tend to get my mind off things thats bothering me. I have been also writing since I was 8 so I love it, can't wait to write a book one day, my dream. I use to have a green thumb but since worms get to me...I CANT :l  (dont laugh) When I was younger I did draw and paint a lot but not anymore. I just get away with my friends, we talk, laugh and drink coffee :D

    ahh life is good.

  3. I paint and write, I'm in the process of writing a book.


  4. gemini

    i just enjoy listening to music, and painting.

  5. Virgo

    I like writing fantasy stories. Very very relaxing. But when I go back to read them, I can't help but laugh. Heehee, they're kinda weird, but yea, writing is my outlet.

    I also tend to listen to loud music. That gets a lot of stress out  

  6. virgo

    i like anything but guitar is my fave

  7. Virgo

    reading, writing, painting, drawing, animal care, exercise, i love swimming, and also violin

  8. Libra Sun/Rising.

    I read, reading helps me enter a world other than this one, a world where I want to live but can't, and reading inspires me to write.

    I never meditate, because I don't know how to and I'm afraid it will have no effect on me. I play an instrument and gardening is not my forte, I hate anything that has to do with the outdoors, adventures, etc except traveling.

    I also play guitar, right now I'm learning how to read tabs and soon I'll get a profesional to teach me what I need to know, I know basic songs and chords but I, and playing ascoustic doesn't help, electric is way easier.

    Food always helps my creative juices to flow.

  9. 1.) MUSIC

    2.) Sit in my room and read articles to get my mind off things while listening to music.. haha

    3.) Take a drive with a beautiful nature view.

    4.) Go outside and just sit in silence and take in the beauty and think about stuff.

    5.) Sit/drive in my car, blast music and sing as loud as my lungs can handle. haha.

    6.) Taking nature or abstract pictures.

    7.) Trying to be weird around people so that we end up laughing ridiculously and forget problems anyway. haha

    8.) Working out

    basically, it involves being by myself typically and looking for the beauty in the little things (music, nature, thoughts, people, etc.)

  10. Hi again :) Writing, definitely writing pretty much anything from songs to stories.

  11. Exerciseing and music are perfect together.

    I wish i was like most other Gemini's and musically talented :(

    Outlets...outlets...Hmm...I smoke alot of pot, socializing helps too, and i know its an outlet because it feels good to socialize and it sucks to sulk quietly with no one to talk to.

  12. aquarius!!!

    and i love playng guitar and music

    and taking bunches of random pis!

  13. lol....I have so many interests and to begin?  ;)

    I like to read, write, draw - sketch, play games of all sorts (from video games to board games and cards...), love music and movies, love cooking, love to shop and window, hanging out with people, exercise and even go for walks, meditation....and still more....I think my favorite creative release is sketching and writing...though I have a 3 year old and have a hard time finding the time now a days to do this much now I play with my son as much as I can which can also sometimes be a creative both of

    Sun - Sag

    Moon - Scorpio

    Rising - Cap

  14. LEO

    i'm a dummy

  15. Taurus, and I read, swim, cycle and repair things.

  16. gemini

    and i have many.

    writing, reading, photography, meditation/relaxation

  17. Libra.

    Outlet: picking on innocent people for no reason.

  18. Gemini; Art, Designing, Photography, Singing, Dancing, Reading, Researching, Pretty much anything where I can express myself or learn something new.

  19. Yes, I play the piano. However, the piano is also my major, and my career, and the thing I need to expend the most energy and focus on, so there are times when I find it more stressful than relieving. However, I always enjoy putting away my sheet music and just composing and improving my own music. I can express my creativity, as well as my emotions and thoughts through what I play.

    Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising

  20. Music is mine, I play guitar to be specific...I love it with passion....I want to make it my career...

    I write a lot too, I've always had a thing for writing since I was very young...about three to be exact...


  21. I love to draw,read,and write poetry


  22. I am Capricorn, and i still am studying, but will be engineer later..

  23. ~ya go driving in my truck and listen to the music loud.  

    ~watching movies definitely

    ~reading helps, but I got to  really be into the story.

    ~If I'm frustrated then cleaning stuff helps too

    ~Get Out of The House!!!

  24. cancer

    i talk to people and go for long drives and sit at the beach.

    everythings clearer when im near the ocean :)

  25. im a sun/rising leo i like to listen to music, and write stories, i like to read books, and watch movies, and surf the internet, and to sleep, my passion is to  be in the entertainment business, im working towards it now

  26. I dance, dance, dance, and also write up a storm in my journal. I also love to sing with my headphones on because the echo of my voice in my head actually makes it seem as if I can sing. Other than that, I play with my cats and shoot zombies in video games .So relaxing....

    I used to go to the club with my friends a lot to let off steam and maybe I'll go again someday but for now that's not my thing. I just like to dance around my apartment and act goofy =oP

  27. -I THINK. I love to just sit and think.

    -I write on occasion like when i have a theory...but like Lil Wayne says "on the tablet in my mind, i don't **** cause i ain't got time" Yeah, thoughts flow too heavily.

    -I ride my bike or go for a run with my settle too many thoughts. Lol

    -I draw and take pictures...but only when i have the resources. (no art station or camera that suits me)

    -I listen to music. I love music...many genres. Music that fits my mood, or helps me think lol and provokes imagination.

    -I read...I love reading fantasy/fiction/adventure mytical stories. Right now, I'm on the "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series.

    -I like to plan and make lists

    -I like to have stimulating conversation and debate...not arguments though.

    -I research...yep, I research for fun. I am 16, but rather than be on myspace the whole day, I'm usually researching things to settle sudden thoughts and theories that i make or that i read. Carl jung stuff, MBTI, astrology..yes, I study astrology as a hobby, i wish it was a proession.

    -I like to answer questions on yahoo answers and do forums...yet again, to release thoughts. =D

  28. Taurus,i listen to relaxing music,soft rock,classical etc.

  29. Leo- i love to read and be creative with clothes and make up.

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