
What is your sign and what are your handwriting traits?

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1)vertical 90 degree or slanting towards right or slanting towards left

2)you are a microscopic writer or your handwriting is in the medium or bigger range




  1. I'm an Aquarius and I have vertical 90

  2. 1. Slanting towards the right

    2. Medium to on the larger side.

    3. I like to leave a lot of space.

    4. It depends on how much of a hurry I'm in. My fast writing is sloppy, though.

    5. I do a little mixture of both.

    Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising

  3. 1) vertical 90 or maybe a little to the right if really need to be exact lol

    2) medium sized

    3) medium amount of space or more to closed way

    4) quite fast,i usually finish writing earlier than my friends

    5) more loopy

    plus i write lightly, like u can't feel the indentations of my words behind the paper.

    capricorn sun/scorpio rising/libra moon

  4. 1.) a little towards left

    2.) medium

    3.) Not a lot of space

    4.) Very fast!

    5.) Not much loopy..

    ..And people find my handwriting difficult to read.

    Libra sun/Taurus moon/Pisces AC

  5. Libra

    1.) Vertical 90 degrees

    2.) big and bubbly when im just writing and not trying to make it small and neat

    3.) Closed way of writing

    4.) Moderately paced or Fast

    5.) Both ...

    And to answer the other ones you need to know but didn't officially ask [ last para. ]

    6.) My words are very close together ... I have to work on that

    7.) No upper loops, and no lower loops [usually ]

    You should've asked the other ones !

  6. Sagittarius

    Very slanted to the right.

    Small and very neat. (i always get complemented on my handwriting)

    I leave a medium amount of space

    Im a medium speed writer. I also dont write out my letters bubbly like i see a lot of people do. There not super thin but, a medium sized.


  7. I'm Capricorn and I print really neatly, it looks almost like a font. Vertical 90 degrees. My writing is on the smaller side. X] I have more closed writing and I can write pretty fast.

  8. Leo,

    I like writing  when the slant towards right.

    I leave enough space to the words are easy to read.Neat.

    I'm fast when I want to and slow when I want to.

    Usually when I write fast it looks nice,and when I write slow it looks sorta awkward...

    My handwriting is at a medium range.

  9. Scorpio

    Slanting toward right

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