
What is your stance on abortion??

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What is your stance on abortion??




  1. If you are against it, don't have one.

    The government has no business in either Iraq or a woman's uterus.

    Next question

  2. I only agree on abortion if the pregnancy was unplanned and it is in the first trimester.

  3. I would never have one.  But that is an easy one for a male.

  4. Personally i am against abortion. but I do not have to impose it onto others.

  5. I believe that we have a constitutional right to life, and that that right begins a conception.

  6. i personally believe that life starts at birth, but i think the state has to outlaw because so many believe it begins at conception.  Think about it some religions/tribes believe life starts at 2,13... so are we going to allow them to kill 1 year olds.

  7. kill them all , lol , j/k( tired of being serious about the issue )

  8. Way to many abortions are happening in this country, it needs to be reigned in.

    Millions of abortions and almost all of them are done out convenience. It is morally repugnant.

    It is out-of-control.

  9. No ... until the mother's health is in danger.

  10. Historically, morality cannot be successfully legislated.

  11. I am anti-abortion.  However, I am a Democrat.  It's not the only issue I care about.  This country is heading in the wrong direction, whether abortion remains legal or becomes illegal.......

  12. I can't have one, but sure I would be lying down in that kiddin aside....I'm fatherless due to it.  A woman who now has 2 children who'll never no their mother had 3.....yes 3 abortions , not because of the knee jerk liberals perception of the right of a woman's body, but because she was a mentally dumbed down by NOW, and oh yes, wanted to party until she was 30.

  13. I think it is a moral issue.  God has given us all free will.  That would seem to me we all have a choice.  Personally, I choose life.  I am anti-abortion.

  14. Abortion is murder.  My children weren't planned, but I never even thought once about killing them.

  15. It is murder.Should be stopped.

  16. If women had better options, they may not consider it.

    The only opinion that matters is the person who may consider abortion.

    Support the individual.

  17. its wrong and people should not do that specially if it involves killing a poor child

  18. It should only be done if it is needed to save the life of the mother or in case of rape.

    We know Obama has voted for partial birth abortions AND if a baby survives an abortion it's life should be snuffed out but even condemned criminals don't die in the first attempt at an execution they are spared.  In Buttock Insane Obama's mind those babies should get that chance.  It says a lot about Obama now doesn't it.  Thank God he's lost this election.

    McCain IS our new president.

  19. The legality of abortion is a state's issue.

  20. I am as far right on this issue as Sarah Palin.  No child should be murdered no matter the circumstances!

    ~McCain Palin '08~

  21. shut up, all of you conservatives.

    tell your mother, your wife, your daughter what to do next time instead of people you don't know with their own bodies and brains.

    It's not murder, it's angering when people want to control others because they can't control themselves.

    I'm all for abortion. It's my choice with my own body.

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