
What is your star Sign? - and is your personality a good fit ?

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..... in case you're interested, I am a typical Gemini.




  1. libra.. no i dont understand starsigns

  2. my star sign Virgo and certainly fit according this sign

  3. im cancer, but i dont think the stars have anything to do with how i lead my life, i am who i am and Mars and the Moon have nothing to do with it

  4. I'm a Leo.

  5. im have 5 planets in scorpio including my rising and sun but i dont think i am that scorpio like

  6. I'm a Libra and I fit some of the traits of my sign.

  7. taurus the bull yes I fit very well

  8. I'm a Libra.  I fit the personality traits of one.

  9. Cancer through and through- except I can't cook for the life of me, lol.


  10. I am a capricorn and i don't think my personality fits at all do you? xx

  11. Pisces. I'm fit to the T. Yeah, I guess I'm also your typical Pisces: dreamy, over sensitive and emotional, sometimes bottles up real emotions, artistic, not good at socializing or dating, large feet and toes (to physically symbolize the Fish), blessed with superb memory, etc.

  12. I'm a perfect example of a gemini as well !

    clever and indecisive to the extreme.

    also i have two sides to me, i can be really wonderful one moment and if something triggers me the wrong way i will raise h**l (or maybe i'm just bi-polar? my boyfriend is convinced i am bi-polar, i just say "i'm not bi-polar, i'm a gemini" lol)

    i love my sign and everything it represents to me.

    may 24 :)

  13. fits me perfectly except that I am lazy as h**l

  14. I am the most stereotypical Scorpio you will ever meet

  15. Leo and umm...idk

  16. I'm a scorpio and it fits perfectly

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