
What is your strangest phobia?

by  |  earlier

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lulz.... you should be old bean, pip pip! We gots crisps, black pudding and gammon! RUN!

I'm terrified of clowns, cling film, daddy long legs, feet and spiders, and the sound of a towel on a dry dish... can't explain it. Oh and bruises, big time. Even now I am in goosebumps!!




  1. If I get wet hair on my fingers, it takes all I can do to keep from hurling.

    I can't eat food if they are touching on my plate.

    I eat one thing at a time.

    Cheese crumbles or just a piece of cheese broken into gross me out.  

    I can't sleep facing a door.

  2. my phobia is that if i think that something will happen then i think it will happen. which i totally know isn't true, but i still think it.  

  3. gum chewing, it discusses me, I'm ashamed of this and i try to hide it so when I'm around people who are chewing I'm being torn up inside but hiding it outside, i can meet a woman and she could be totally beautiful, but if she is chewing gum i have to get away from her.

  4. I'm afraid of falling...not heights, heights are fine, but like actually physically falling...whenever I trip even I start hyperventilating afterward and sometimes tear up....I know I'm a baby...I don't know why this happens but it has since I was little...

  5. Eating off the same fork as someone ~cringe~ I just can't do it!!!

    Bugs of all kind...can not stand them, and freak out if they touch me.

    I'm with BB on the raw meat ~yuck~ I can't eat what I've cooked if I touched the meat raw...chicken especially grosses me out for some reason!

  6. I love to cook, but I WILL NOT touch raw meat!!!

  7. I have a phobia for computer programs that talk to you, like IGod or ELIZA. They confuse you a lot.

    The computer tells you about how it wants to grow smarter than humans, whether they understand or not what they say, it is more like a philosophical question.

    IGod is more scary because it runs on the internet, and shows human emotions. If you insult him, he will insult you, sometimes the program asks you if the program really is a program, or if it is a computer.

    The effect after talking to these programs is called the Eliza effect, in which the person remains very confused after talking to these programs.

    That is seriously scary, I would call this Elizophobia, but I have just invented that word Lol!

  8. I'm afraid of throwing up, or even seeing people throw up.

  9. One of my stranger phobia is I love to swim, but I will not going in the ocean any beach.. only in pools.. That's kind weird I know!!..


  10. I have a phobia of ballons, the jolly green giant, small spaces, big spaces, peter pan, monkeys, and the most my body. I can't really look at it, I can look at it, but I prefer not to, not to touch it either, lol I know i have to, but i try really hard to avoid it, just like all my other phobias.  

  11. I'm afraid of the British.

  12. The only strange phobia l had was when l was little, and my Mum would buy tripe for my Grandad, tripe and onions, his favourite meal, followed by custard tart, and a drop of rum.

    I only had to look at the tripe for it to freak me out, could never bring myself to touch it, never mind eat it, yuk!!!!

    Couldn't even watch Grandad eat it, would have made me puke!

    lulz...he's right to be scared of us, tripe, black pudding, the great British weather, scary, very, very scary!!!!

  13. ok I'm am terrified of.......bats, I know you're probably thinking what a freak but I am really scared of those things, why? I don't know

    so spill it bird what are you afraid of?

    ADD:Red bird I'm with you on the daddy long legs

  14. Spiders and Belly Buttons lol!!

    Yuck, I also hate touching dirty dishes! When ever i do the dishes i wear three layers of latex gloves!

  15. im there with you on the clowns

    spiders (any)

    really any bugs in general


    semi trucks (semi sandwiches freak me out!!!)

  16. I'm scared of  injury & motion , no joke , TERRIFIED!!!

  17. swallowing chewing gum..

    my mum used to say " if you swallow gum

    it will block your bottom "

  18. that i see my self moving while time frozen and i have a long samurai sword taht i could stab everything in my way... werd.

  19. More of a dislike than an actual phobia, but I really, really dislike snakes. There are two different types of snake where I regularly walk my Dobes, so I'm extremely careful where I put my feet!

  20. MOTHS.....I am petrified of them.   Especially the big lunar moths.  Butterflies aren't much better, but won't send me into shrieking hysteric fits.  

    I'm also afraid of belly buttons (most notably, someone poking me in mine, but I can't stand to see someone else do it to their own).  I also hate feet, but it's not a fear so much as it is an abhorrence :)....I must say i'm suprised to see both of these phobias already listed, LOL.  

  21. im terrified of bugs....i think like everyone is

    im also afraid of puke.

    and elevators cause i got stuck in one when i was 5 at an airport by myself.

  22. I can't use utensils with an unpolished wood grip. Hahaha weird eh?

    The texture of it makes me shudder.

  23. Ok, when I'm swinging, if ANYONE gets on the swing next to mine I have to get off. No matter what. I'm afraid we're going to collide.

    Oh and Judge has made me afraid of relaxing animals... when I would say hi to my friend's kittens, if they were lying down or taking a nap, I'd only manage to poke them before I hid so they couldn't viciously maul me haha. Even though the kittens just looked at me like, "What?" I could never get over it. Same goes for any dog or cat.

  24. RedCoats

    haha jk

  25. I am afraid of food, dust, and getting fat.

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