
What is your superstition?

by  |  earlier

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I have some of my own, which i believe in, in a weird way. What is yours and what is the significance behind it?

1) I do not give watches/clocks to people - symbolises death

2) I do not give shoes - symbolises departure

3) I do not wear make up to sleep - they say if your soul leaves your body at night, it cannot find its way back.




  1. These are from my family members..

    -You cant go to bed right after taking a shower or you'll go blind! lol

    -You can't sweep up stuff at night which would symbolize you sweeping away your fortune...

    -You can't change positions with someone after you've started eating at the dinner table because it'll mean that the person will have a bad relationship...

    Weird, I know...

  2. Do not give a knife away - take at least a penny for it or it will        destroy the Friendship

    Same with shoes - the friendhsip will walk away

  3. mine was funny,i read this book on medievil spells one time.

    so i made up these magic words.

    and each time i said the words,something wierd happens.

    just try it...its up to you..

    make it up and know they work.

  4. Despite recently learning better, I still operate under the irrational idea that one person's opinion about me reflects the opinions of everyone on earth, and thus, every negative comment I've ever received has left me unable to trust anyone, unable to act for my own benefit, and unable to live. I should take each person as an individual and wait to get to know them before assuming how they feel about me, and yet, somehow I still can't do it and I still remain home, hiding, waiting to die.

  5. If I am planning to do something i feel that if i tell someone about it it wont happen. so i keep it to myself until i complete it.

    I was once told when I used to date that 1) To not give your boyfriend shoes or he will walk out of your life.

    2) Do not give your boyfriend a watch or time will run out in the relationship. HaHa...funny isn't it.

    Never say never or "it" will happen.

    The devil does most of his handiwork between 12 am and 3 am. So be sure to stay inside at those times.

    If you hear an owl hooing at night that means death...someone in your neighborhood, family, job, or anyone around you is going to die. Another funny one. My father say's that it only means that the owl is out looking for supper.

    If you dream of the dead and they ask you for something don't give it to them because it means that they are coming for you.

    Most of these superstitions i get from my grandmother.

  6. 1. Don't let your feet, or head, face the door. It said something would grab your soul.

    2. Put coins in every corner of a new house for good fortune.

  7. 1. i always step with my right foot when entering a room,

    2. i would bit both sides of my tounge to prevent lying and being lied to.

    3. saying "rabbit rabbit" at the beginning of the month brings luck for that month.

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