
What is your take on Coal Energy in the near future?

by Guest66186  |  earlier

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Curious about ones opinions of demand for coal in the near future. I for one see cleaner coal solutions as a viable resource in the next year.




  1. The initial costs of using any source of enegy are so extreme, that the cost can only be recovered over the long term.  We can not talk about short term goals.  That is unrealistic.  There is no near future, only a long term future.

  2. I like coal's prospects short/intermediate/long term.  We have such a huge supply of coal here in the u.s., it would be hard to ignore.  And our appetite (and the worlds) for electricity is ever expanding.  And the primary way to generate this electricity is by burning coal.  

    I just don't see nuclear, or wind, or solar taking over for it anytime soon.  Nuclear would be a viable alternative.  But it has to overcome environmental issues.  And both wind & solar, are simply too expensive & can't compete with the more conventional methods - coal, hydro & nuclear.

  3. next few years they will have cleaner coal.  Ten years from now nuclear energy will be king.  So no need for coal.

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