
What is your take on John McCain's latest plan to stifle dissent?

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Throw them out of the country rather than debate the issue?

Didn't he swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States (including the "freedom of speech" part)?




  1. i think McCain has no future in politics and therefore I ignore him.

  2. Free speech is a guarantee, in most cases.  You can not yell fire in a crowded theater or make libelous or slanderous remarks about a person.  Those are the things Hillary and Moveon did.  And it has upset a vast number of people.

  3. I say it was his opinion

    not a plan

    Can't he have his opinion also?

    As does move-on and the rest of the anti-America supporters of the hate site

    I myself wish them death my opinion not a plan

    Freedom of speech goes both ways not just your way

  4. McCain can't even run a campaign. Doesn't matter what he said.. Too bad, at one time I liked him but all and all hes just another war mongering Republican...

    After Admiral McFallun testifies to Petrayus's dog and pony show, you may just change your mind about move on... They  will be proven to be absolutely correct, although I think premature in thier ad release.

  5. fascist.

    I personally do not visit that site to comment, but we have have the freedom to say what we want to

  6. to the Constitution... that *includes* the Bill of Rights?

    (John McCain looks it up)


  7. No. I don't want them thrown out of the country. I just want them ignored. The right to free speech does not obligate me to listen to them.

  8. When he says they should be thrown out of the country he's talking about the whole dem party. They are run by move-on. I consider the dems in Congress traitors for turning their back on the troops on numerous occasions just to try and win elections...

  9. I "plan" to kill HIS "plan"- by not voting for him. (And I think alot more people like MY plan- than HIS! :) ).

  10. Indeed he did and he also EARNED his right to free speech as well as having been born to it.

    That ad was not 'merely distasteful,' it was a despicable slanderous attack on an honorable man for political purposes that had nothing to do with his honest assesment of the current situation in Iraq.

    While Gen Petraeus is probably too much of a gentlemen to do so, if that were me that had been so attacked, I would probably have had 10 lawyers filing a libel and slander suit by 0900 on the 12th.

    And yes, I believe the American people, regardless of party affiliation, should use their freedom of speech rights to assail the mischaracterization by 'moveon,org', verbally forcing them out of the country.

    You will note that McCain did not espouse laws, law enforcement or military action being used to 'throw them out of the country' though he did clearly endorse public outrage doing so.

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