
What is your take on McCains VP choice?

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I know that it wouldn't matter if he would have picked his twin, everyone has pretty much made up there mind except about + or - 10% of the population, which aren't spending all their time on Yahoo! lol




  1. It is an unusual pick but it tells you a lot about McCain. He really wants to be president and he will do anything to get it.

  2. It did improve his campaign  

  3. He's a dumbass.

  4. It was purely a political move but it clearly shows he is not too bright.

    Does he really think that a woman who is anti-choice will get women to vote for her?

  5. Frankly, I like her.

    She is young, conservative and attractive.  She should be able to handle Bidden in their debate rather easily, but in a way that doesn't seem overbearing.

    I think she'll appeal to the Hillary voters who just can't stand the idea of what Barak Hussein Obama and the DNC did to her.  Furthemore, I think she'll bring a "down home" feel to the ticket.

  6. This is exciting.

    He could not have made a better choice.

  7. You jacks met her yesterday. "Shes great!"" shes the one!!" What a joke. Obvious pandering, no real leadership. Thanks McCain

    Obama/Biden 08

  8. I like her. A true political reformer who has cleaned-up one of the most politically corrupt states in the nation and who has shown a solid and unwavering commitment to ethical government. Palin's executive experience includes serving as a mayor and chairing the oil and gas conservation board in a state which gains most of its revenue from energy.

    Palin has used her time in public life to BATTLE corruption; Obama has used his to BENEFIT FROM corruption.

  9. Insane.  

  10. I'm angry! Romney and Pawlenty are both waaaaaaayyy more qualified. Who the heck is Palin? We've been criticizing Dems for picking an inexperienced candidate and now we've done the same thing! It's embarrassing

  11. It is amazing today that socialist is defined as giving tax breaks to the people of your state 1.500.00 or whatever , but socialist isn't organize health care or socialist isn't taking away amendment rights . I think McCain hit the ball out of the park Palin knocked the threads off of it. He brought the "change" Obama kept promising. it has been a very hard thing for the Democratic party to deal with .  

  12. mc-sane's decision is on a woman with a criminal background. his staff should have researched her more.

  13. I love it.I wanted her to be it.

  14. I think she's great!

  15. Palin is a socialists.

    "Gov. Sarah Palin is asking the Legislature to give every Alaskan $1,200 as energy cost relief."

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