
What is your take on NASCAR and the amount of pollution it causes, as well as the use of natural rescources?

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Furthermore, do you think there should be extra taxes involved with sport, or other measures taken to reduce its environmental impact?




  1. NASCAR like all other motorsports, and sports in general, is entertainment.  We as humans collectively have sought various types of competition as entertainment since the first tribes and villages aggregated.  Some forms of competition have faded because there lessening interest and changes in society.  If you were to try to start having gladiator battles or jousting competition again, chances are people would resist your efforts.  I imagine that automobile racing like NASCAR will either evolve into a different medium or die on the stem because values toward responsible/conservative use of resources change.

    One way that could be is to encourage reducing  the number of people attending the event.  The amount of resources expended by attendees and associated impacts far outweighs the direct impact of the racing action its self.  That would be a defacto tax because promoters would not realize the same income opportunities.

    In a more general sense, any sport that has huge attendance numbers should do something to either lessen the impacts from the attendees or reduce the number of people that attend.  It’s not the sport, but the people that are the impact.

  2. I am not a huge sports fan, but I do love cars. I am not a huge lover of either gasoline nor our dependence on foreign sources for it. I guess you could say that the only good thing about racing (other then the cute Asian umbrella girls) is the fact that a lot of the technology that makes cars safer and more efficient has actually come from racing. In these days of higher energy costs I wouldn't mind a shift to racing electric cars. If that got popular could you imagine the trickle-down benefits?! Car companies maintain racing teams to promote their company image primarily, so imagine if more money was spent on battery car technology instead of gasoline technology? We might actually end up with affordable long range electric vehicles.  

  3. I think it is a wonderful use of our resources and has very little impact on our environment.

  4. WHO CARES A HURRRRRRRRRRRRR i loves when the the cars pass the white line durrrrr no but really they should think of ways to reduce the pollution like the new car that only emites water vapor buy idk how to get them to stop usesing gas

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