
What is your take on One Night Stand?

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A close friend asked me for a one night affair. s*x for fun. What is your take on it?




  1. dont do it !  your friend obviously hasnt been laid in a while and just wants to use you..  sorry but i speak the truth..

  2. nothing wrong with take it for what it is if you are into her. You might have a good time.

  3. Depends what s*x means to you. If it just means "getting lucky" at a frat party only to not talk to the girl ever again, then do whatever the h**l you want.

    But if you actually care about the girl and s*x to you is actually an expression of love, then it's up to you to make the call.

  4. In spite of what you have heard life is all about relationships, the measure of what and who you are.

    Man was created just a little above the animal we can life a short mortal life this way or we can choose to rise above this and live life eternal by faith, love, joy, peace and you know the rest it that.

    Life is in the choosing so choose well.

  5. Depends on how ugly your friend is...seriously bro...i don't dig a matter of time, all your other friends will know it...lucky if you don't have something tiny to hide between your butt't do it with someone you barely know...with protection...

  6. It's sad to say but most Men just want the Booty.

    This isn't a question to ask a bunch of Nerds on

    computers, you have to decide...Booty or no?

    Have you done this before?

    If you have what you feel

    I personally won't do it here is why.

    1. What are you getting out of it except ok hour or two

    if s**y time Skeet Skeet on the lady...its over.

    2. I am the romantic type, I like the love

    So this is just a cheap way of getting laid.

  7. I wouldn't do it.  Too risky.  But I guess at this point, either way you jump you stand to ruin your relationship with your friend.  A rejection might hurt her as well.  A one-night stand is definitely going to make things awkward between you though.

  8. Protection. Protection. Protection.

  9. Politically and I suppose ethically, that's between three people: You, her, and whatever deity you claim, if any. Maybe only two people in that case.

    As for practically...

    It's a great way to shaft a meaningful relationship right from the start.

    It's a very efficient way to get STD's. People lie about that kind of thing. And if she asked you for a one night stand, there's a pretty decent chance you're not her first time. Fun fact: According to some sources, condoms don't help much against HIV/AIDS. The virus is small enough to pass through the latex.

    It creates emotional attachments, if not in your heart then in hers, even if neither of you will acknowledge it. Severing such attachments and "Going your separate ways" after something like that can be painful and unhealthy.

    I'm a Christian, but if you're not, then there's no point in telling you that s*x outside of marriage displeases God, so I won't harp on that. It's your choice to do as you will. Just make sure you weigh the costs that I mentioned earlier. If you love this girl or really want to love this girl, don't sleep with her so soon, so easily. If you don't love her and are still considering sleeping with her... Well then that's just insincere and dishonorable besides.

  10. who is it hurting?  Don't create a baby that you need the rest of us to take care of, that is the only ethical question.  Who should take care of your baby?

  11. Well its all up to u..if u like her go for it...Shes the one asking..But remeber that tells u evrything about who she is

  12. I say you should not do it. You may lose your friend. If this is not important to you, then by all means do it with protection.  

  13. I see nothing wrong with it.

    By I suppose one drawback of a "friends with benefits" relationship is that romantic feelings can arise that can damage the friendship.

  14. go to her place near the river… watch the boats go by… if she gets you on her wavelength… travel with her… travel blind… know that she will trust you… let your body answer that you’ve always been her lover… touch her perfect body with your mind…  

  15. I would ask yourself how important the friendship is to you.  One never knows what may happen, how dynamics may change, after something like that.  It could make your friendship closer OR it could explode into something ugly.

    If it's worth the risk of losing a good friend, go for it.  Who knows, maybe you and your friend have the type of friendship it would not affect.

    Good luck with your decision!

    PS:  My only advice to you would be to USE A CONDOM!!

  16. Do what you gotta do. If you're comfortable with it, why not?

  17. I don't think it's a good idea

  18. It's wicked,against the Bible,and God WILL PUNISH you for this.Fornication is SIN!

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