
What is your take on criticism of Sarah Palin?

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Democrats I know have been saying things along the lines of "Oh my God, why would McCain choose her?! That was such a bad idea! What was he thinking?!"

Since Democrats want McCain to lose the election, why does it bother them so much that he made what they consider to be a bad decision?




  1. Criticism of her is premature.  If she turns out to be incapable of holding her own in debate with Biden or makes some fatal public error then she is fair game but attacking her now is foolish and could have a backlash.  Obama knows this but his supporters need to be careful.  

  2. Palin is so retarded Obama doesn't need to even spend money on ads to embarrass her and McCain. Youtube does it all for free!

  3. I love how the inexperience of Palin is such an issue when she is merely running for VP as opposed to Obama whose is only slightly more experienced but running for president.  How hypocritical.  

    Then the pry apart her private life.  Fair enough, but Obama has to answer for his associations and friendly dispositions with American terrorists or racist pastors.  

    Then they say Palin is a gimmick to gain the women vote.  Really, and Obama is not pandering the minority vote.  More hypocrisy by the socialist left.  

  4. There is always the outside chance that McCain might win. (Diebold...remember?) and McCain might die...where would the world be then.

  5. It's a great pick if your a Democrat.  If there was any doubt in the mind of any Democrat this just made the decision a lot easier.  

  6. Well the republicans didn't do a good investigation on her (wow shocker) so we have to do it for them.

    You can't have a candidate up there and claim that experience is the reason why you picked her when she is not the most experienced person you have.

    You can't have her up there preaching family values when she was about to divorce her drunk husband, but she is holding off now because of this election.

    You can't preach abstinence to teenagers when your own teenage daughter gets pregnant.

    You can't tell us she has executive experience while she is under investigation for abuse of that power.

    I'm actually glad she is up there she is going to get ripped bad.

    The republicans should change their signs from "Country first" to "Election First"

  7. One, I think people are still in shock that McCain made such a seemingly hasty decision.  Whether it was or wasn't is something that continues to be debated.  Secondly, the Democrats to whom you are talking probably are aware that the race is in a near tie and know McCain could win.  They probably fear that something could happen to him (which is completely possible considering his age and medical history) and this woman is next in line.  Their response is one of shock and disgust.

    Now, as for Sarah Palin's personal life:  everything dealing with her daughter should be a non-issue.  It is true that everyone makes mistakes and we should focus on more pertinent things such as her economic views or her knowledge of foreign affairs.  However, for the past eight years, the Republicans have ran campaigns based on "values" and "morals" and other things that just don't have a place on the national agenda.  If one of their own slipped up, they should have been prepared for the backlash.  Now that it has happened, they don't want the public, nor the media, to focus on this problem.  It's sad to say, but the Republicans have made their bed and now they must lie in it.  I don't support the public scrutiny of Mrs. Palin's family, in fact I find it despicable.  But it is of the conservatives own making because of their "holier-than-thou" attitude.

    Maybe now is the time to stop focusing on ridiculous, divisive, issues (g*y marriage and abortion) and concentrate on things that matter (the economy, geopolitics, education, etc.)

  8. Because they wish that he picked Romney or Lieberman, because that would have finished him.

    Now they have something to worry about, and man, are they worrying.

  9. LOL good point! They should be gloating if they think that!

    In reality they are frantic.  They want her DEAD!  They want her FAMILY DEAD!  They want her HOUSE BURNED TO THE GROUND!  

    Okay, I am totally exaggerating.  They are not quite that bad.  But imagine attacking her through her disabled baby and her pregnant daughter: that's really low.  

    They must have a lot of respect for Palin's abilities, since they have to attack her through her children.

  10. 1. Her daughter was taken out of school 6 or so months earlier (2-3 months into "Sarah's" pregnancy)

    2. Up until about a month or so before the birth, no one around her, a VERY public figure (after all she was the top elected offical of Alaska) had even known she was pregnant. She told everyone in March that she was pregnant, she "gave birth" on April 18!!

    3. Her water broke and she felt contractoins at 4 AM in Texas - contractions that she herself said were different than those of "false labor" (remember, she already had four children)

    4. She stayed in Texas for another 12 hours and then ultimately had the baby at 6:30 AM the next day (actually with the time difference 29-1/2 hours later)

    5. The unborn baby was already diagnosed with Down Syndrome, yet she delayed the birth by more than a day AND subjected it to 12 hours of air time - probably 3 flights from Texas to Anchorage with the repeatedly changing cabin pressure.

    6. As a 44-year old woman who had already had four children, once the water broke and the contractions began, she couldn't possibly have not given birth in more than a few hours.

    Either she's a liar or an irresponsible mother. Take your pick!

  11. I'm happy...

    I'm just in shock he did it...

    for example... I'm sure you don't like bin Laden... but if you viewed a video on YouTube of him putting a gun in his mouth and blowing out his brains...

    your first reaction may be shock "I CAN'T BELIEVE HE DID THAT!"

    not that you liked him or didn't want him to... just surprise that he did it...

    perhaps an extreme example... but I think you get the idea...

  12. I'm completely for Obama, however, if McCain gets the win, I would hope the VP he's got would actually be able to do their job.  I think it's horribly condescending to women to choose Palin as a gimmick and parade her around like this.  There have got to be better qualified women somewhere in the Republican party.  I really do have to question his judgement.  

    Edit:  What could there be for McCain to have noticed which I didn't?  Her extreme stance on abortion rights?  How about how she wants Creationism taught in schools, dropping our level of education even further down the toilet.  Maybe he was impressed by her single term as mayor of a small town and then less than half a term as governor of a state with fewer people than the CITY of Chicago.  Maybe he likes the fact that she's caught in a bit of a scandal for firing a person for not firing a state trooper who divorced her sister, never mind that she ran on a platform against corruption.  Maybe he likes the fact her daughter is pregnant before marriage, something their party is supposedly against.  Or maybe, he noticed she's a beauty queen female and thought affirmative action would do his party some good.

    I think he was actually impressed that her minor in college was poli sci.  That's GOT to be why he chose her since she's got nothing else on her resume.

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