
What is your take on the book "Where Did I Come From?" by Peter Mayle?

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I was browsing the children's section at Barnes and Noble when I came across this book. In my opinion, it is not something pre-school children should see. It is very detailed in explaining that s*x feels good through text and illustration (nude cartoons doing the deed). This is like dangling a carrot! Why don't they just attach a vibrator and say "Here, try it out"!?!? I can respect that some would find this book a good teaching tool, and that everyone has different views of when children should learn about s*x. However, I do NOT support the book being placed in the children's section where any child could easily stumble across it. It should be placed in the parenting books where children are less likely to browse. What do you guys think?




  1. I see nothing wrong with this book,  if anything it may help our  Society stop young girls and boys from having s*x till there alot older,   some  adults worry that the book provides children with too much information or is too graphic. I find that the book would be incomplete if some of the information or the pictures were omitted. If they weren't included, I know I would have had many questions unanswered as a child. The tasteful illustrations included in the book helped me understand the book's content, rather than forcing me to fill in the gaps with inaccurate and possibly scary images that could have led to unhealthy views of s*x.

    As a child, I found myself really studying the pictures, cartoon images that are presented very tastefully and are actually sort of cute. The pictures do show the male and female anatomy, which is important information if a child is to understand how babies are made. They show a man and woman who love each other and are happy, things that would allow a child to have a positive and healthy perspective about s*x and making a baby.

    As a person who has had personal experience with this book as a child, I highly recommend it. I plan to use it with my own son in a few years.

    If you're looking for a way to ease into talking about s*x with your kids, Where Did I Come From? worked very well for me when I was 6 (I did actually know what s*x was, since my mom told me about it at 4 or 5, but I ENJOYED learning from this book--I think because this one was down to earth and funny. Humor can help a LOT!)   learning about s*x early did not prompt me to have s*x early--I waited until I was 19 and then waitied again until I was 23. And I know that the fact that s*x WASN'T a mystery to me had a lot to do with my abstaining from it. Teaching your kids about s*x doesn't have to be a horrible experience. This is a fun book, and your kids should be distracted by the silly pictures so they won't be looking at you nervously sweating, wondering what to say. Plus, the book will say it for you anyway. I highly recommend the book.

  2. OMG! That is un acceptable

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