
What is your take on the following:?

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  1. The first thing that came to my mind during the first week after Bush became president in 2000 was that either he or someone in his cabinet will end up in jail by the end of his presidential term.

    I didn't know why I felt that way but there was something about him that made me think this guy is trouble.

    At the time all I knew was that he was governor of Texas and the son of his dad.

    It's probably his arrogance and ignorance that got me very suspicious about him. He's indeed a very cynical person.

    Well, here we are near the end of his presidential term and look what we got ourselves, a criminal president running our government with a bunch of nefarious characters straight out a Charles Dickens novel.

  2. Yes for crimes against mankind!!! he and bill should be in jail togeather,what a bunch of cr_p, and the men of this world stand by and let it happen, where are all the MEN, real MEN, they are not politicians, because they are the wimps!!!! very sad situation indeed!!!

  3. bla bla bla. Just more leftist drivel.

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