
What is your task as friend, if you see another person is about to make a huge mistake?

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If you observe that a "weakness" this friend has, again gives her/him the tendency to make a decision which you know is not a good one.

-But how could the other person ever learn, if s/he not goes through his/her wished experiences?

-What can you do as a friend to help this other person "realize" what is wrong about the path s/he is about to take? Can you do this at all?

Do we not all learn best through "experiencing"?




  1. If I saw that my friend was making a bad decision, all I would be able to do is tell him/her my opinions on what decision to make. It would be hard to just stop them completely, but everyone needs to learn from their experiences.

  2. I think as a friend you have a right to say your peace.  If your advice is shunned, you will have a clear conscience.  Just be sure to support your friend even if they don't listen to you.  That's what friends do.

  3. Have you ever heard the saying: A Smart Person Learns From Their Mistakes and A Wise Person Learns From Others' Mistakes?

    So there are no wise people? I have never met one single person who NEVER made a mistake in their lifetime, have you?

    For a long time I learned through other people's mistakes, but it just wasn't the same. I don't believe you can FULLY grasp the concept of the matter unless you experience it first hand.

    The only thing you can really do as a friend when you see someone you love about to make a mistake is express your concern and let them know you are there for them no matter what.

    It's not your decision or right to say your friend is taking the wrong "path." How would you know? Perhaps they were meant to go down that path and get hurt or whatever to strengthen them for obstacles life will later throw in their path.

  4. As a friend all you can do is be supportive. You have to realize that people learn from making mistakes. There is no way you can tell them not to do it, while they still learn a valuable lesson. Even if you know its a bad idea, you stick by your friend and support them. You dont need to support what thier doing, but you support them.

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