
What is your theory? How did nagging evolve?

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What is your theory? How did nagging evolve?




  1. Well, we have to presume that everyone answering above already knew to which of the two genders nagging is associated; and that again, in whom the origin and seed and commencement is to be found always.  

    ' That ' is telling in itself.

    Therein lurks something that the one gender had innately first hand, which did not depend on that same gender getting it elsewhere or possessing by other means; otherwise, it would have been a different bane completely, and not that of nagging.  

    And we have to suppose as well that this fateful gender knew its own kind would not put up with it -- scarcely put up with it ! -- and thus knew capriciously to undertake to nag the other gender who is naturally without defenses and for whom nagging is a wholly alien thing.  

    Therewith the native possessor had now the perfect outlet to vent acrimony with impunity, which dared not be directed to its own kind.  Having long possessed and then forevermore the wiles, the native gender did then direct invective not to its own gender -- wouldn't think of it! -- but instead developed the fine science of self-justification; thereafter retaining that hopelessly, inveterate state, which is denial, thus remanding the other gender to forebear a life of invective brought by the ones native to nagging who would not tolerate even for a minute of nagging from its own kind.  

    And -- given the way of its own kind, with end opposing end, that gender knew to finesse itself into the good graces of the other enough that this one would not know to frame the term and force that was and became so commonly ascribed to those to whom nagging is native, which term began with the letter "b" -- strike that -- capital "B."  

    And so to this time and day, no one is there quicker to ascribe the term b...tch to those for whom nagging is so totally native and for whom each is so disdainful and catty toward one another.  And none other gender, sadly, has there been who has suffered so direly from nagging as does the gender to whom that same unbridled state is found to be so demonstrably foreign, evil, and strange.

  2. Two pre-humans got married and then after the honeymoon the husbands rolled over on his bear fur and went to sleep without hugging his new bride. We all know how the wife acted ever since.

  3. Sometimes we, Women have to fight for our rights, or the Men will step all over the Women, I have always been a person with strong character, but I know where and when I will fight for my rights, and sometimes it has to be with my Husband, or I will never have peace of mind from him. So, I guess that is when nagging evolved, in the couples.

  4. First God gave men "selective hearing."

    And then women became nags out of utter frustration.   Or something like that. LOL.

  5. Maybe it began when men found that huntin' and fishin' was more fun than getting firewood or cleaning out the cave or crouching over a smoky fire to cook a meal - and women grew tired of doing the lot and watching the children and settling the squabbles and carting the water and sewing skins together and chewing them first to make them pliable, and generally having not much fun that didn't make them pregnant for the sake of a five-minute cuddle?   And then found asking nicely only got them ignored or a crack over the skull, so they turned to sniping from a safe distance?   From there, it just developed, I suppose, from example, like most bad habits perpetuated by family culture (and TV) - or by the unresolved exasperation Henry David Thoreau called "lives of quiet desperation".     Part of pop culture, like tuneless whistling, and about as effective or pleasing.   But what can unhappy souls do, to shift their misery onto others, when they don't have the capacity to do something about it - whatever it is (and usually they won't confront what it is, anyway).

  6. Naggin' w/o bitchin' is meaningless.  :-)

  7. In the old days, children were to be seen and not heard and

    wives obeyed their husbands and were subservient. The

    patriarch of the family set the rules and nagging wasn't an

    option or the pleasure some take in it today. As the dynamic

    between men and women changed, and they saw each other

    as equals, arguing and nagging slowly became the sort of

    acceptable badinage that passes for communication today.

  8. It sprang into existence out of necessity, men developed selective hearing. LOL!


  9. Yorga lived in cave #53 and his wife invented nagging (but she was so unpopular that nobody can remember her name).  

    Yorga liked to watch younger guys who kicked around a rock on weekends.  Each time he got interested in a good rock kicking game his wife would ask him why he wasn't doing something useful around the cave?  Yorga couldn't provide a good answer and began to wonder why he was being hassled all the time.  Finally he'd had enough of it and he moved to cave #57.  No more nagging.

    Yorga rocks!!!!!!

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