
What is your theory about how the world began?

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What is your theory about how the world began?





  2. there are many differences types of how world began, each began in different way, but for most common theory, the galaxy began from the"BINDING FORCES" which bind all maters and particles together, then when times go by, each species developed to a living. mostly recycled from water molecules. this is why scientist said, if there is water, then there could be life existing. for human species, there must be far beyong to discovery.

  3. The main question is where did everything come from. Science explains it as an explosion, but then were left with what casued the explosion, where did the things that exploded come from?, science is deterministic: everything is caused by something else and i think this will just lead us to an infinite explanation. I think the real challenge is to answer the question how can something come from nothing

  4. If by "world" you mean "the universe and all in it", I would say a cyclic big-bang, we are just in one of the expansion / compression cycle, right now in the expansion part of it.

    If "world" means "planet earth", then the answer is the born of a star and its residual matter and gases in orbit resulting in planets and asteroids.

    In either case, lets not involve religion in this issue, since religion is a way to explain things in a form everyone would understand and must accept, since it is not scientific explained, thus it can not be contested or discussed logically.

    The reference should not instigate any discussion, but try to explain Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy logically, even so, it works wonders with children up to some age, up to the point they start to demand logic explanations for everything.

  5. God created the earth and universe including everything they contain in 6 days around 6000 years ago. Genesis states that the earth was a watery world from the beginning...contrary to modern cosmolgy of the earth forming from stardust and later being seeded with water from comets. Comets have far too much heavy hydrogen or deuterium in their makeup to be the cause of water on earth....and too much argon.

    The Big Bang theory has many flaws and requires the existence of "dark energy and matter" for it to work although neither have been directly observed or experimented. 90 percent of the universe is missing and science really has no clue as to what makes up the missing matter and energy.

  6. God created it :) mhm :)

  7. This is an interesting question.  My religion states that God created the world in 6 days, and Adam and Eve were the first people and well, you know the story.  Though I consider myself faithful to my religion, I am really not sure how to handle this story.  I think I believe in the Big Bang theory more.  The big bang is a theory that states that Earth was created though collisions of meteors and such.

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