
What is your therory on how the universe was created?

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w/e religon you have ...i dont care i just am so interested in everyones creative minds/ religion

so how exactly do u think the world was created?




  1. I personally don't have any opinion about religion when the creation of the universe is involved. For me it's strictly scientific.

    The "big bang" theory works just fine & seems to make sense.

    However, I always found it curious that our world & all the planets are "round."  


  2. It definitely wasn't created.  Some people have this notion of a great creator which is nonsense when you consider all the imperfections of the universe.  What creator would create disasters, disease, famines, colliding asteroids, deformities and all the other maligned aspects of the universe?

    I remember this lady running over to a homeless person with the worn out phrase "God Loves You" and I wondered "What would his life be like if God hated him?"

    I remember on the news there was a story about a mother and two of her three children getting killed in a car accident.  A relative speaking about the survival of the other child says "the Lord was watching over her" and so I thought "well I guess the Lord wasn't watching over the rest"

    The Universe is a system that has evolved and so far the big bang theory and the obvious after effects of it leads one to conclude that the only thing that religion and the creation of deities has accomplished is massive deaths throughout history.  Holy Wars continue to take the lives of millions of people.  Mans incessant desire to become God has led to the creation of numerous human form deities.  Christians constantly worship a human being as a God.  They successfully turned a human into God.  They worship a human being not a spirit.  It's sick.  Humans are not God, never have been and never will be.  Humans are just advanced animals in a animal kingdom that have BO and prey upon each other like vicious dogs after a bone.  They kill each other for a patch of land, fight to the death for a piece of metal called gold, and slaughter millions in the name of a God that justifies genocide. I'm done you finish it.

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