
What is your thoughts on this question posted by an elderly US Veteran?

by Guest61310  |  earlier

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  1. As a veteran, he should be angry. He didn't fight for our country just to have some insensitive jerks throw flags away. Why didn't they just give them away?  

  2. I think he has every d**n right to be p*ssed off. My family didnt fight for the country for this sh*t to happen

  3. ok, how to put this delicatly so some can understand. I think its great that Those that join the army are willing to die for us, but to kill for us is something else. I as a Christian wouldnt want to kill anyone, If they dont know Jesus i know what awaits them. But Im not afraid to die for others or my God, because I know that i will be in heaven. Ok. So even though im am super super appriciative for what those at war are tying to do, i think in the end. it doesnt matter.

    Those sound like harsh words but this is what i mean. You say that you fight for freedom, but are we really free? Free to do what? make our own choices, yes thats great, but we are still slaves to our sinful desires. We do what we want, when we want, whenever we want. We were created to have fellowship with God, not to live life for ourselves. I know this wont make any sense to anyone else but some Christians that Have Chosen Christ over their country and over thier life. But i wanted to just throw it out there anyway. :)

  4. Well as if you say in God we trust then why go to war unless of course you don't trust him

  5. A) i have a hard time believing they would use all caps to talk but i will suspend my disbelief

    B) I understand his reaction and I guess I agree. If it's even true, then yeah. it was a dumb idea to throw away the flags.

  6. I did not see the news report, but I suppose many flags used at conventions are made in China -- and intended to be disposable.  

  7. I don't understand why Americans are so fiercely protective of their flag. I understand that it stands for a lot of good and bad things for your country, but it is just a flag.

    Honestly asking, why is it such a big deal?

  8. As a vet myself, I agree with him completely. It's nauseating and pathetic the direction this nation is going in.

  9. It's a flag, it's a bit of cloth with a pattern, that's all it is.

  10. Anyone who pleads for understanding with "I'm an old man" is engaging in emotional blackmail.

  11. well the caps lock makes my eyes bleed but after that i have to agree with him. its horrible, disgusting and unforgiveable! how can they do that?!

  12. Those people are locked in the past and refuse to move on

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