
What is your true fear?

by  |  earlier

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For me it has to be fear of fear.

Which I fear spiders lmao.




  1. That no matter how much schooling I get I will never feel satisfied with what I accomplished, and I won't feel like I've lived up to the expectations set by my YOUNGER siblings.  

  2. My ultimate fear is that I will one day die without having accomplished anything worthwhile in my life.

  3. I fear being a 'complete failure'.

  4. i have arachnophobia...

  5. electricity

    and social phobic  

  6. Slugs.  Ugh.  I'm always afraid they're going to jump on me and bite me.  (Well, you didn't say it had to be rational.)

  7. Flying in an airplane.  Its just too much to go wrong...which leads to my ultimate fear of death.  only because i love my life so much.  i dont want it to end!

  8. heights

  9. my fear is being poor

  10. working on an assembly line or a desk job *shudder* "aahhh get the paper work of me get it off " *rolls around on the ground screaming*

  11. Death

  12. I have a couple...

    -Social situations

    -Getting fat

    -Bugs! Blechhh.

  13. I think my biggest fear is never being truly happy.

  14. That I'll never make a real impact on anyone's life. :/

  15. Becoming just another average-joe working 9-5 having no real impact on the world...but I really don't know what to do to make a difference in the world.

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