
What is your typical day like with your 1 - 3month old please?

by Guest32004  |  earlier

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I'm a new mom - not sure if my day is somewhat like yours. I want to see what other moms are doing with their children. Thank you




  1. Every child and mother are different. You just have to find out what work's for the both of you. Good Luck.

  2. Congrats on your new arrival!

    I have a seven week old baby boy, as well as a three year old son. The baby normally will sleep until around 8. I feed him and he'll go back to sleep until around 10:30 or 11 AM. When he wakes up, he nurses again - as of the past couple of days, he's been staying awake after this feeding, for about an hour or so. His afternoon nap lasts for about 3-4 hours (that's usually his long stretch of sleep during the day). He'll wake up around 3:00 or 4:00 PM and nurse again. He'll then stay awake until around 6 PM, then sleep for another couple of hours. Usually he'll go to sleep for the night at around 9:30 or 10 PM. He has been waking up then around 2 AM, and again around 5 AM to nurse.

    Since I'm nursing, my schedule pretty much is based on him. I nurse him on demand, so we have a great system of him waking up, my changing his diaper and feeding him, and him going back to sleep again. :) Right now, he's on average nursing every three hours or so. But, he changes everyday, so the above changes with that. While he sleeps, I grab a shower, check e-mails, clean/do laundry, eat, and nap. I also try to run errands while he's sleeping, with the hope he'll stay asleep while we're out - that doesn't always happen, though.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Mine are 3 and 1 now, but remembering back I mostly held them and fulfilled their needs.  They had naps and mommy time.  I played with them with toys suitable for their age.  Give them floor play on their own and swing time.  It just depends on what your baby wants and needs.  

    I went through my day like normal except I included the baby in what I did and cared for his/her needs too.

  4. BORING!!!!! i only work 2 days a week now that hes been born. he is 3 1/2 months now. he is such a good baby hes not needy at all and he alwqys entertains himself. although i do play with him. but my days are very long and very boring. i cant wait til he starts to crawl and walk and talk to me so i can have a little buddy to keep me company

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