
What is your ultimate dream or wish?

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my dream is to be in a forest and wake up just before the sun rises walk a bit and come out on top of a hill where there is an old well i sat on the side of the well and watched the sun rise and below the hill loads of wild horses run freely and i would feel free myself that is my dream i know its sounds lame but i'm a earth sign it cant be helped.




  1. My wish is to escape to the country.  I have a recurring dream about a place, always the same place but different aspects of it, but I've no idea where it is or why I dream of it.  I wish I did because it always looks and feels like home.  It's not a huge palace and doesn't have roses round the door, but it does have a large kitchen, which I would dearly love.

  2. I have the best answer for your question "What is your ultimate dream or wish?". Please click the link below to check my answer:

  3. to be in costa rica managing a small bar restaurant on pacific beach where i can choose who come in for a drink or meal, (obviously your invited)

  4. My ultimate dream is that I will have to die but when, where, how and why does not come in here because am sure that I will have to die on time only if I had known the timing I wouldn't call it a dream.

  5. My dream is roaming around Italy, having fun for months.  :)

  6. My dream is to be in a world where everybody gets along with everybody else, everyone treats everyone fairly, and everyone accepts everyone, even if they have different beliefs and opinions and lives.

    Then, I keep waking up.

  7. to swim with dolphins in their natural habit

  8. mine is more shallow, i want to win the lottery then i could buy my own forest

  9. for me and my family to be healthy wealthy and happy

  10. to be part of a spit roast, then the other man dies, vanishes and I continue with the girl in a kebab roast.( turn it vertically)

  11. My dream is to get married and have my honeymoon in Bora Bora

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