
What is your ultimate "nostalgia" game? Why?

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Mine is Zelda: Link to the Past.




  1. First game i got for my son after getting him ps2 was Resident evil code name veronica. Never let him play it because it was too scary but got me hooked on gaming. Bought him the ps2 in October and the game and kept wrapping and unwrapping it 'till Christmas to play it my self every night.

  2. time crisis/point blank

    the game series was made 22nd march 1994 same day i was born

  3. Nintendo Game&Watch series (Soviet remakes). I was playing in those way back since 1985. Back then those were as advanced as PSP or PS3 now. I remember ocean treasure game wuth a squid, racing one and a couple of others. Even now I have two Nintendo Game&Watch games (Mario and Popeye). Each of them made in 1983! Also I love Tetris (it was my first game on good old fat gray Gameboy).  

  4. Time Crisis +1

  5. It has got to be Fallout and Fallout 2.

    Incredible, never ever achieved athmoshere achieved by any other game after these. Briliant idea, great lines spoken by NPC's, lots of inside surprises and hidden secrets and the posiblity (in Fallout 2) to pla without end (or at least until you killed everybody in every city :P).

    So yes, Fallout and Fallout 2 will always be my all time favourites.

  6. Wow, good question!

    I'm an RPG fan, mainly, I gave up of FPS ages ago.

    I loved the baldur's gate titles. And I played Daggerfall and Morrowind a lot. But I guess Final Fantasy 7 really touched me the most -never seen a playable character murdered before than (sephiroth, aeris/th).

  7. X-COM UFO Enemy Unknown

    One of the best games of all time. It was the right game at the right time and place, when pop culture was really into alien abductions etc. with the X-Files in it's prime first seasons. It was an amazing game.

  8. Shadow of the Colossus will be my ultimate nostalgia game.

    Although I realize it's not as old as the ones listed above me, I'll always remember it years from now. The game was so epic and emotionally powerful, the music was fantastic, the art direction was great, and just the whole game felt like the fairy tale I've never heard.

    It's a really underrated game, if any of you have a PS2, I highly recommend you buy it, it's only $20 now

  9. River City Ransom.

    I remember that was one of the few games that if I woke up at 5 am, I could turn on my Nintendo and start playing, and have it beat before it was time to go to school.

    I remember how I'd spend ten minutes writing down the passwords just right, and about a quarter of the time, I'd get something wrong and never remember it.

    I remember using Game Genie to boost up my stats just to see how things worked without spending an hour beating Benny and Clyde for seven bucks a pop.  I also remember the "double starting stats" code was TOSNAVYE.  Yeah, I had that one memorized.

    I remember my friends teaching me about deviant counter-culture bad role model TV, and how we'd rename our characters, but the five letter limit meant "Beavis and Butt-Head' became "Bevis" and "BUTT".  Somehow, I always wound up being "BUTT".  Then again, I never took a dump in a puddle outside for five bucks, and "Bevis" did.  If his brother had offered ten, I might have.

    I remember how fighting Andy and Randy, the Dragon Twins, started up with the original Double Dragon theme, which I thought was the peak of good music at the time.

    I also remember playing Mechwarrior for PC on an old 386/33 with 4 megs RAM and a 40 mb HDD.  On an old Fisher-Price record player (surprisingly durable and worthwhile for a kid's toy, with a needle sharp enough to make modern nerf-coating mothers cry), I'd listen to a handful of records that in retrospect, were a very odd mix.  Shirley, Squirrely, and Melvin Live, a collaboration between "The Nutty Squirrels" and "The Chipmunks" (Which somehow explains an interest in music with inhuman pitches), "I'd Rather Go to Jail" by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, and "Boots" by Nancy Sinatra.  I'd be in the basement with various incense burning, and if I wasn't playing Mechwarrior, it was usually River City Ransom, Crystalis, Tetris, or Zelda 2: Link's Adventure.

    In retrospect, it sounds like I was stoned constantly, but I was just a kid.  

    So yeah, River City Ransom as much as anything, although Mechwarrior and Shining Force come in pretty close.

  10. mine would be Golden eye 007. playing that game again after all these years, both multiplayer and campaign mode, it brings shivers down my spine

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