
What is your ultimate turn on part of your body?

by  |  earlier

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you know what i mean . that part where you feel all the electrocution . what is yours? and your hubby's? that is if you don't mind sharing

mine is my neck . hubby's are his ears




  1. mine is my neck right behind the ear area, second my nipples, and third my legs.He his D*** and visuals.

  2. Well, mine is primarily the neck-but it has to be done a certain way.  Or the small of my back.  

    His "spot" is ears or chest....

  3. my neck! the corner where my neck and shoulders met...oh man! that's it right there!!!

  4. It is a combination that my wife has learned over the last 11+ years.  I too have learned the combination to pleasure her too!

    The fun thing is learning new ways to achieve the same goal! ! !


  5. i love eyes!!! seriously more than any other part.

    answer mine?;...

  6. mines are my neck and ears!Hubby is the touch, on any part of his body, but he says its only when i touch him he gets like that!

  7. my neck and ears, as for him his neck

  8. MMMMMMMMM an equal, how funny..............................

  9. OOOOHHHHHH....I wove it ALL over me widdle body....

  10. Mine is my toenails. I need to address the toenail fungus issue.  

  11. the back of my calves

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