
What is your usual inspiration to get over yourself?

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What is your usual inspiration to get over yourself?




  1. I don't need to get over myself much, but when the need arises I tend to the needs of my friends & family.  

    It settles me right down.

  2. I need only look in a mirror to be inspired.

  3. a good hard look in the mirror or at my posts on the net or at peoples faces when I talk to them.

  4. Other centeredness, of course. When I am obsessing over something, and am unable to sleep, I place my focus on the needs of others by praying for them. I go through each family member one at a time, and ask that their needs and concerns be met. Then I move on to friends, and soon I am able to sleep. When ever you get the focus off of yourself, and on to others, you distract yourself from your own woes, and at the same time, do something proactive which places the focus on others and inadvertantly helps yourself. Mindfulness is another good tactic--placing your focus on your breathing, on the sounds around you.

    Distraction techniques are helpful, and especially when they place positive focus on the needs of others, then it's foolproof.

  5. In art

  6. hope

    i always get over myself when i know that there is still hope

  7. The embarrassing humiliation I tend to suffer while gloating.  Its led me to try to live in a more humbled place.  And to believe in karma.

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