
What is your view about the Governments scamming Motorists in the name of the Environment?

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In the very time when we are feeling the pinch and it's getting worse this sham of a Government Robs us further for Road tax in the name of tackling emmissions! Who the h**l do they think they are kidding?




  1. Oh yes we're all up in arms, even the Tories . But when they get elected what juicy t*t-bits will they have in store for us, and will they get rid of this unfair tax?.

  2. I am not happy!!

    This government, and the obvious alternative want us to pay, so they can spend. The environment is changing, we can do nothing about it. We are paying for King Canute's throne when we should be leaving the beach. If the government needs more money then cut spending don't just tax us more.

  3. Meh. I'll be dead soon, so I don't care. I've had a good life.

  4. this govt and the other party are no different , they are all LIARS AND CHEATS now it is up to them to prove otherwise . as for the criminal increases in fuel price due  to the unbelievable tax 350% in total from barrel price upwards and now road tax , WE NOW NEED A REVOLUTION  ,EN BLOC we should all refuse to pay road tax , this man BROWN and his partners in crime DARLING should be SACKED NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

  5. I don't think they think they are kidding us, its just the way things work and the workers always have to pay.  If its not car tax its your local pint or your pack of cigs.  Which ever colour the government is they always do it so why worry, just start walking. I do, its better for me and for the environment.  If I can;t get to work on time or meet people on time they just have to wait.

    We will soon be one of the so called 3rd world countries and have to travel on horseback or at least by foot. That in itself would be good for us all and it would help with the obesity problem.

  6. The government is short of money, not least due to fighting foreign conflicts as chief ally of the USA. So they need to plug the hole in their finances, and the environment happens to be a handy excuse.

  7. Bike it - you`ll like it!

  8. Delighted.

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