
What is your view on african american men in today's society?

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what is your view on african american men in today's society




  1. They exist.

  2. I just want to clarify what you stated African and American arent the same thing. Either you are African or American but you are not born of two separate countries. Just like any other label(Asian American, Mexican American.) This is not to offend but to clarify. Off topic: If people live in the United States that is Born They are American regardless of color, race, or sect. Say Black Men.

  3. The same as my view on non-black men in society: I don't care.

  4. I think many have shown that they can be successful in the world, but the vast majority are not. They are raised in this culture where they want to be gangsters and therefore do not try in school, never go to college, and then when they are barely making enough to survive, they sit around and blame the white man for holding them down. These are just my observations and ofcourse is not the fact w/ all black people

  5. Black Americans have as much in common with Africa as Steven Spielberg has with Israel.  Africa's a crappy continent with even crappier governments.  If I was Black, I wouldn't want to be associated with Africa at all.

  6. That many of black men need to get it together in terms of their future goals.

  7. matthew is correct, the majority is hopeless and brute

  8. In contrast to the most asian guys that are more a strong family oriented mature. the problem is that most people have the same positive thoughts: The most Asian guys are mainly well oriented men in the family values, have a hard working ethic in blood and take a full of responsibilities

    That´s what I´ve read about the blk dudes, is the same negativity of stereotypes

    (do not get me wrong) The generalization is always bad, but one had often heard the harassments and countless insultings like a very rude word "chinks/small p***s, asians are geerky or asians never got the white girls", what the blk dudes mostly did to some asian guys badly.

    it is extremely impolite, everyone believes

  9. Black people have shown they can be successful but there is something...and I don't know what it is that is keeping the majority to achieve their goals. I really think they should focus and have bigger expectations and work for them harder....not only african american MEN but ever single person in the world

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