
What is your view on strip clubs?

by  |  earlier

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I personally don't have a problem with them at all. Ever since I went to one I've found talking to girls an easier task and my social skills have went way up.




  1. Its an Abomination to our God.

  2. NOTHING I want to be a stripper

  3. I don't like them... not because I'm ghey, or worse - ghey for god.  

    I don't like them because its a ripoff.  

    Why would I pay for the unfulfilled promise of s*x with a beautiful woman when I can pay for the fulfilled promise of s*x with a beautiful woman?  Hookers are honest, but strippers aren't.  Hookers will perform a satisfying act for a set price, but strippers will perform an unsatisfying act for an ever escalating price.

    If I'm looking to get led on and waste my money, I'll go on a date.

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